Chapter 25: Learn to walk before we run

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Cassandra POV

I felt a soft skin brushed my neck and slowly trailed off to my cheek. His body warmed me in the morning. I giggled as his breath tickled me.

"Good morning, beautiful Cupcake." He greeted me knowing that I was awake.

"Good morning, boyfriend."

"Oh, I like the sound of it." He said with an amused voice. I smiled at his statement. I knew he loved to be called like that as if to remind him that I belonged to him.

"How is your sleep last night, Cupcake?" His husky's morning voice penetrated my ears. I loved to hear that.

"Hmm, it was good with someone's arms kept wrapping me in his embrace. He seems so possessive even in his sleep," I teased him while giggling. He placed his arm on my waist while his other arm was under my neck.

"I don't know what's wrong with my arms; they seem to be so obsessed with your body, every inch of it." He stroked his fingers along my arm up and down making me chuckle in return.

"Maybe I should sleep in my own room after this," I purposely said that to see his reaction.

"No, I think maybe you should move here so that my arms will get used to it." He showered me with kisses along my collarbone.

"Move here?" I asked him to see if he was joking. I looked at him over my shoulder since my back was facing him. He made me leaned on his hard solid chest. He nodded while rested his chin on the crook of my neck.

"Yes, what do you think? It sounds like a good idea, right?" He stared at my face anticipated my answer.

"Yeah, it does sound like a good idea but don't you think that we are a bit too fast?" I don't want him to regret his decision someday. I want to give him some space and privacy even though we are in a relationship.

"We should have better progress than this, but it took a few months to officially call you my girlfriend. We should cuddle with each other like this every morning and every night before sleep the moment you step into this house." I tried to put that image in my mind and it looks so wrong.

"Woah, easy there, boyfriend. I wouldn't agree to be your girlfriend if you ask me the first time you meet me. You know you are so arrogant and bossy, kept forcing me to move to this city. You don't even give me time to think about it." I recalled the memory that we had.

"Arrogant and bossy, huh?" He narrowed his eyes and lifted his head to gaze at me. I chuckled at his question.

"Even now you are still the same you." I teased which caused him to use the same tactic to attack me by tickling me in the stomach. I laughed while begging him to let me go.

He stopped after satisfied with my breathless laughter. In a blink of eyes, he was now on top of me, but he didn't put too much pressure on my body. He trapped me between his body and at this moment escape was the last thing that crossed my mind.

"I love you, you know that, right?" He asked with a smile on his face. He stared at me in the eyes. I blushed with his sudden confession and the way he stared at me.

I nodded.

"Yes, I know. It's written on your forehead clearly." I answered jokingly.

"It is written Cupcake on my face?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, here," I wrote the visible word 'cupcake' on his forehead with my finger while smiling till it reached my ears. I enjoyed waking up next to him. It made my morning wonderful.

"I love waking up next to you in the morning," I confessed while clutching his neck.

"Me too but this is not enough. I want you all the time." He buried his face on my stomach and it made me giggle again. 

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