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Your POV
I held mina's wrist as dahyun left first. "I was hoping for an answer" I said looking at her she looks back at me. The tension suddenly growing. "What if I still do? What will you do about it?" She asked as if she was challenging me. 

"I would do this" I said wrapping my arm on her pulling her in kissing her. It made my blood rushed to my cheeks when she kissed back. 

How come her lips are so soft not like before. I deepened the kiss our bodies close to each other when she suddenly pulls away panting a little.

She pulls herself away opening the elevator. "I need time to think about it" She says making me furrow my eyebrows. 

She gets the elevator as I stopped the door from closing. "You kissed me then tell me you need time to think about it?" I asked annoyed. "Just let me be for now Y/N I want to think" She says making me even more mad. 

"I don't get you mina you kiss me then pretend like it never happened" I said pulling my hand away. "Then let's keep it that way" She says as the elevator door closes.

I sighed sitting on the ground besides the elevator tears started to leave my eyes. Why do you have to be so cruel?. 

"Y/N" I heard yeeun say as I look up still crying. "What happened?" She asked worriedly helping me stand up as the elevator opens yeeun hiding me. 

I remained silent as we got inside the empty elevator. "Don't worry I'm here" She says hugging me tightly as I cried harder. I don't know why I'm this hurt.

"Is it mina again?" She asked once we got inside the room and I finally calmed down. "I don't understand her" I said sighing. "It's okay we are leaving tonight so you won't have to see her for a while" She says making me sigh. 

"We kissed" I informed her as she sits down shock at the sudden information. "You what?" She asked making me take a deep breath. 

"We kissed it amazing but as if I just blinked she was suddenly far away she's complicated I want to understand her but I can't it makes me damn frustrated" I said shedding a tear wiping it off immediately. 

Mina's POV
"I like you unnie" Chaeyoung confesses at the worst time ever. I was still thinking about the kiss why the hell did it give me butterflies it's been years since I kissed Y/N memories just starting to flood back.

"It's ok if you don't like me back at least don't run away from me" She says making me look at her. I suddenly remembered Y/N. 'I don't get you' Her voice echoes in my ears as I stared at chaeyoung. 

I can't hurt you too chaeyoung I'm sorry. "I'm sorry but I can't reciprocate your feelings" I said making her nod taking a deep breath. "I figured" She says smiling a little at me. 

"It's Y/N afterall" She says making me sigh. "I-" I was speechless I never really thought of being In love with Y/N. I wanted to ask advice but It would be careless of me to asked her after her damn confession. 

"I can see how troubled you are did something go wrong between you two?" She asked as I stayed silent. 

"If you love someone you will not care about other people it's like it's only you and her and You'll do anything for her even if she doesn't tell you too, If you feel like that with Y/N then I have no right to interfere between you two" She says making me nod. "But really though you gotta get your ass up and get out of this room go to Y/N and talk about your misunderstanding because their leaving in 10 minutes" She informs me making me widened my eyes. 

"You didn't tell me anything" I said angrily as I took my phone. "You never asked" She says smiling innocently as I rushed out of the room running to the elevator. 

Why am I doing this? I hurted her already it's not like I can bring back the past. I sighed hesitated going inside the elevator. 

'If you love someone you'll do anything' I kept thinking of that advice as the elevator door opens revealing the ground floor. I went outside looking around to see Y/N's teammate sakura and heechul. 

"Mina nice to see you here" Heechul says smiling at me as I walked towards them. "Excuse me but where is Y/N?" I asked trying not to sound rude but I was in a hurry she might have left and I haven't even told her how I feel yet.

I don't want the same thing happening again. I want to be beside her no matter what happens and that kiss just made it even more clear. 

"She's going down with yeeun" Sakura says as I nodded. "Thank you" I said before running back to where the elevators were. 

Yeeun the girl who is rumoured to be Y/N I know it isn't true because Y/N literally kissed me and I know that you don't kiss someone just because you're friends. 

That's just plain weird the elevator opens and I saw Y/N and yeeun. 

Your POV
I saw mina making me widened my eyes. "Leave Y/N be" Yeeun says pushing mina out of the way. I immediately caught her glaring at yeeun. 

She did hurt me but it wasn't so nice to push her so harshly to the point she almost fell down. "Leave me alone first" I told yeeun who didn't listen. "I said leave" I told yeeun again this time with a much more authoritative voice.

She sighs nodding her head as the elevator door closes. "Are you okay?" I asked as she regained her composure. "I'm okay thank you" She says in a blushing mess it was so cute. 

"Are you waiting for someone?" I asked looking at her. "I came to see you" She says it was my turn to blush as I look away. 

"I-i wanted to apologize what happened earlier I was out of my mind I didn't mean any of it to be honest I regretted it too much and I know that I can't live knowing I hurted you for the second time I don't want to hurt you again and I know myself that I still love you I'm sorry I left you hanging in the past but that was in the past we focus on the present and the future and right now I want to be with you I want to stay beside you" She says making my heart rapidly beat. 

"D-do you mean it?" I asked wanting to slap myself for such a stupid question she smiles cupping my face softly. I felt like melting just her touching my face. "I want to be with you" She says leaning in our lips almost touching I wasn't even breathing at this point as my heart I can feel was gonna beat out of my damn chest. 

"And this time I won't leave you" She says so sincerely kissing me. I was in a blushing mess as I kissed back after a few seconds we pulled away our forehead still touching each other. 

"𝕴 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖄𝖔𝖚"





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