Telling them

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Red looked over at his childhood rival. He smirked, "Nervous?"

The boy in blue stopped anxiously tapping his foot, "N-No!"

Red smiled gently and put his arm around the boy, "Blue...It's gonna be okay."

Blue looked into Red's eyes with worry. Blue took a deep breath and nodded. Red placed a kiss on Blue's temple and walked downstairs. Blue took another deep breath.

"Okay..." he sighed, "I can do this!"

Before he lost his confidence, Blue rushed down the stairs into his boyfriend's living room. Red was already sitting on the couch next his mother and Blue's sister and grandfather.

"Arceus, did Red punch you in the stomach?" Blue's sister asked, "You look terrible!"

Oh great, Blue thought, I look as nervous as I feel.

Blue cleared his throat, "" he coughed, "Red?"

Red rolled his eyes, "Blue has something to tell you all."

Blue gave Red a sharp glare, but Red wasn't looking at him. Red checked his Pokégear nonchalantly, as the room waited for Blue's announcement.

When it became abundantly clear that Red wasn't going to talk, Blue took the deepest breath he'd ever taken. Red looked up at him.

"Red and I are dating!" Blue exclaimed. He immediately became the color of his boyfriend's name, and braced himself. Red stood up, took Blue's hand, and gave him a look of support.

"Fucking finally!" Blue's sister sighed.

Professor Oak scowled, "Watch your language!"

"Sorry Gramps..."

"Wait what?" Blue asked.

Red's mother stood up and put one hand on her son's cheek and one on Blue's, "We're happy for you boys- we've known ever since you were little that you were meant to be."

Blue blinked in surprise, "Y-You have?"

Everyone nodded.

Blue looked over at his family, "G-Gramps...? Sis? You still love me?"

Blue's sister crossed her arms, "Idiot. Obviously."

"I told you Blue," Professor Oak said, "I'll love you no matter who you choose."

Tears swelled in Blue's eyes. Red noticed and wrapped his arms around him. Blue clutched Red's arms and sobbed. Everyone in the room joined the hug, letting Blue know just how loved he was.

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