Home life

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Giovanni looked up from the paperwork on his desk to see a tiny redhead running towards him. A Persian that had previously been laying on the windowsill walked over to the child and licked his face.

The boy pushed Persian away playfully, "Persian!" He giggled.

"What is it, Silver?" Giovanni asked, "Daddy's very busy."

Silver wrapped his arms around Persian's neck and looked up at his father, "Mommy said to come ask you if I needed something."

Giovanni narrowed his eyes, "She did, eh?"

"She says she's busy!"

Giovanni groaned. She's not busy! As her boss, he knew she wasn't busy. Though, she had been watching Silver all week. He supposed he could handle one day. Honestly, he'd rather be with Silver than do his paperwork, anyways.

"So what did you need, Silvey?" Giovanni asked, putting his paperwork away. Silver noticed this and grinned.

"I'm hungry."

Giovanni stood up and walked over to his son. He took Silver's tiny hand and escorted him from the room. Persian went back to his spot on the windowsill. Deciding Silver was walking too slow, Giovanni scooped up his son and carried him into the dining room. He sat Silver down at the table and kneeled down next to him.

"What would you like for lunch, Silvey?" Giovanni asked.

Silver thought for a minute, "Hmm...A sandwich!"

"What kind of sandwich?"

"Peanut butter!"

Giovanni nodded and went into the kitchen. Silver swung his legs back and forth. This was so exciting! His father was usually so busy with work, he hardly had time for Silver. He usually spent his days with his mother, so getting a chance to spend a day with his father was really cool.

Giovanni came back into the dining room a few minutes later, putting a plate and a cup of chocolate milk in front of his son. Silver gasped and grabbed the cup and took a sip of the milk.

Silver grabbed the sandwich and took a big bite, "Daddy!" He chirped, his mouth full, "What are we gonna do today?"

Giovanni frowned, "I don't know...what do you want to do?"

Silver chewed and swallowed, "Maybe...we could play a game?"

Giovanni opened his mouth to speak, but Silver kept talking, "Or watch a movie? Ooo! Mommy and I like to watch Say Yes to the Dress! We could do that?"

Giovanni raised an eyebrow, "You like that show?"

Silver nodded, "Yeah!"

Giovanni frowned, "Okay...Well, we can do whatever you want, Silvey."

Silver took another bite of his sandwich, "Could we go take a walk?"

Giovanni let out an exasperated chuckle, "Sure, Silvey."

Silver grinned, scarfing down his sandwich as fast as he could. Once he finished, he quickly drank his milk and stood up in his chair, "All done! Let's go!"

Giovanni chuckled and stood up from his seat. He picked up his son and carried him to the closet by the front door. He grabbed Silver's jacket and forced it on his son's body.

"Daddy, I don't need a coat!" Silver protested as his father zipped up his jacket.

"Yes you do," Giovanni said, putting on his own jacket, "Plus, your mother would kill me if she found out I didn't make you wear one."

Just as Giovanni opened the door, the father and son heard a low meow. They both turned to see Persian, his head titled to one side.

"Do you wanna come, Persian?" Silver gasped hopefully.

Persian looked up at his trainer, who just shrugged. Persian sighed and joined the two on their walk, making sure Silver didn't get into trouble.

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