Chapter 4

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This was not good. I couldn’t find my precious queen anywhere! I searched everywhere I could, but there still was no sign of her! I growled in annoyance and continued to search for her, hoping I would find her soon because if I didn’t she would escape at daybreak.

After another while of searching I started to give up, but then I saw my angel sitting by the body of the first male I killed. The tree that grew from him was still slowly growing larger. I made my way towards my angel, and as she heard me draw closer she stood up facing away from me.

“So I guess you have come to kill me too? If you have, please make it quick, I don’t want to suffer the same way everyone else did” She turned towards me as she spoke, showing tears start to form in her eyes.

“My dear, I wish not to kill you. You seem to have faced the same ordeal I had, being forced to come to this forest. I want to make you my queen, we can rule this forest together! haven’t you wished to get revenge on someone before? Now is your chance! Everyone gets curious about this forest and everyone ventures into it at some point. When they do it will be the perfect time for you to get your revenge!” I exclaimed while slowly stepping closer to her. I could see the mix of emotions in her eyes and the temptation of getting revenge.

“If I were to become your queen, how would it happen? I’m a human and you’re a… Uh…”

“A tree monster, I know. But you can become like me. When I was re-incarnated by the goddess of this forest she gave me a potion for if I ever found someone to be my queen, and my dear that queen is you. Unfortunately you will have to die for the potion to take effect but I will make your death as majestic and painless as possible” I proclaimed bringing out the potion and opening the top.

“It’s tempting, but I’m really scared. What if it doesn’t work?” I could see the fear in her eyes, but I could also see temptation starting to rule over it.

“My dear the only way it would not work is if we waste anymore time. You must make the decision now.” I said as I saw the moon about to go over the horizon.

“Uh, ok. I’ll do it… Edward.” Oh my, if I had a heart it would probably be racing right now from hearing my real name being said in a friendly way. I handed her the potion and watched as she drank the entire thing. I grew vines and they started swirling around her feet, then to her ankles, then her legs, hips, neck, and finally until it covered the top of her head like a giant cocoon. I then pulled out a knife made from a sharp rock and thrust it into the vines, hitting her right where her heart was. The vines around her turned a dark red and when they pulled away, the most beautiful creature I had ever seen emerged. Now we can get revenge together. In this forest of despair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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