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Dictionary definition: Demisexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by only experiencing sexual attraction after making a strong emotional connection with a specific person.

My definition: Demisexuality is when you only have attraction to someone after forming a emotional bond with them.

Flag meaning: The colours on the demisexual flag mean the same as the asexual flag, but are arranged differently. So black means asexuality, grey is for the grey area between sexuality and asexuality, white is for sexuality and purple is for community.

Flag created: The flag was created in 2006 by the user 'sonofzeal' on AVEN (Asexuality Visibility & Education Network).

Celebrities: Alex Kazemi (Writer/Artist)

Media: There are a few characters that could be demi, but there aren't really any confirmed demi characters in the media.

Other: Demisexuality is a branch of asexuality.

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