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(Ochaco POV)

I walk home from my daily class at UA with a sorrowful face. Everyone at Class 1-a is anxious. Why? It because one of our own went missing a few weeks ago. Izuku Midoriya one of Class 1-a strongest students and a dear friend to us gone from sight the day we went to the mall together.

After we all bought what we need, we regroup and decided to went home. But, Izuku Midoriya was nowhere to be found. We tried to call him but he didn't answer.

After reporting it to the police we went home feeling anxious about our friend's safety.

I was walking when I saw him.

I enter the alley and I saw him, Izuku Midoriya, Deku fainted on top of the trash.

I check on him and felt relieved because he didn't have any injuries. But his clothes were different from the one he wore before he went missing.

I quickly called Aizawa-sensei to inform him of my discoveries.

The next day at UA

(Third Person POV)

Aizawa just enters the Recovery Girl office to check up on his lost student.

After the call he got from one of his students, he immediately went to retrieve the lost students along with some other staff.

"How is he?" Aizawa ask.

"He's fine, I don't found anything wrong in his body but, his scars, the one he got from the sports festival was fully healed."

Then Izuku suddenly opens his eyes.

"Urgh." Izuku groans as he tries to open his eyes.

"Are you alright sonny?" Recovery Girl asks.

Upon hearing Recovery Girl voice Izuku eyes went wide revealing a red glow on his eyes which is the total opposite of his usual Emerald Green eyes.

Aizawa went into action and tied Izuku using his scarf.

"Urgh! Who the fuck are you! What do you want with me!?" Izuku yelled after his attack was stopped by Aizawa.

"What do you mean who am I? I'm your teacher Eraser Head," Aizawa calmly told him.

"Teacher what the fuck are you talking about! If you don't let me go now!" Izuku said as he released himself from Aizawa's scarf.

Izuku then jump and tried to attack Aizawa but was stabilize by Recovery Girl before he could do more

"What happen Recovery Girl?" Aizawa asks catching his breath.

"I'm not sure. I need to do more check-ups." Recovery Girl answers.

After a while


"He seems to be having an amnesia,"

"What do you mean?"

"After a few questioning and some uses of truth serum, he claims to be a villain goes by the name Deku," Recovery Girl said pointing to Izuku who is strapped on the bed.


"Yes, that what he said. He told me that he didn't have any memories from before a few weeks ago, but all he knows is that he is a Villain by the name Deku."

'Something happens to him after the visits at the mall.' Aizawa thought.

"Is the truth serum still in effect?"

Recovery Girl nods.

"Do you know anything about League of Villains?" Aizawa asks the strapped Izuku.

Izuku then has a major headache. "Stop! Stop It! Argh!!!" Izuku screams before fainting.

'What happens to him?' Both Recovery Girl and Aizawa share the same thought.

The next day in class.

"Everyone I have an announcement to make," Aizawa told his students as he enters the classroom.

Everyone was waiting for the news of Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco had told them what she found and we're also waiting anxiously for Izuku news.

"What I'm about to tell you limits to this room only, you cannot tell anyone even your family," Aizawa said.

That is all,

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