new souls chapter that i might actually do pog

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happy halloween im a day late but im bored out of my mind cuz i cant play games cuz bad grade moment lol.

ok so people die and their souls just float around but only some people can see them and they can do things with the souls like stick it back into a person  if they died recently, solidify it into like soulmatter which is very solid and hard and you can do things with it. some people are born with 2 times the "life" so people who are born with more "life" are able to see the souls and you can use the extra "life" to do things with souls, like said above. the extra "life" doesn't come back, so if you use too much of it, you are back to regular "life"  if you don't use it then you live twice as long.

so basicly regular people have 1000 life points and cool people have 2000. you cannot use your original 1000 to do soul magic, besides one exception.

Things to do with souls:

solidify: good for making weapons, cages, etc. cost: a half point per cubic meter of matter created. invision the item in your head and decide where you want it and bam cool things. will dissapear in an hour if not moved. more advanced people can change the elasticity/flexibility of the matter made and will other soulmatter away.

kill: very much a waste of life points (until you learn advanced methods), you just will the soul out of the body. cost: 50 just invision soul coming out of the body. more advanced people can drain the life from the newly detached soul, but in world, people don't really practice this ability since it requires things to die. 

detach: will your own soul out of your body but leave a bit as a tether so you don't die. cost: 40 basically the kill spell but you don't just straight up kill yourself. good for scouting because souls are very hard to kill. Hard to practice, but people who know how are very valuble. advanced people can solidify a body part using the solidify spell on themselves. 

Augment: will another soul into one or two of your body parts, making it stronger. cost:100
you can run faster, become more stronk, sight, etc. also acts as a safety net against other soulpeople because the kill spell will drag out the extra soul instead of yours. if you don't want an extra soul just hangin out you can use the kill spell on yourself to get it out.

heal: this isn't really a soul spell, just a thing you can do with life points. cost:20 per cubic inch of injured tissue. so you just use your extra life points to heal yourself or others. you also have increased passive healing based on extra points. if a regular person has regular healing, then a soul person with 500 remaining extra points would get 1.5 times the regeneration speed.

boom: blow yourself up with the power of a nuclear warhead per cubic meter. Cost: 1000 plus 50 per 50 extra cubic meters. this is the exception i was talking about. you explode and die. thats about it. you can be pretty acurate with the size, so just don't  blow up your friends. good for when you are almost out of points, because this can dip into the regular points, since you will die anyways. 

ok cool im done pogggggg bai <3

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