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Finding out that Leo met Calypso both surprised Jason and didn’t surprise him. It made sense, considering when he disappeared, but he hadn’t expected for Leo to be falling in love while he was gone.

            While Leo explained how he planned to get them to the island, Annabeth paced the deck. Frank and Hazel leaned against the rail, and Nico stood several yards away. Piper and Jason sat in the center of the deck, and Poseidon went to update the other gods. He couldn’t stay to help unfortunately. That would cross the line into helping too much on a quest.

            “The astrolabe should work. WE just have to use it to set the course and we should be on our way. We’ll have Percy back soon enough,” finished Leo.

            “Well, let’s get going then,” answered Annabeth. Leo nodded and went to the controls.

So, that's really short. My bad. I never actually realize until I go to publish on here, but some of these are super super short. But I wanted to give an idea of what the crew was doing, so...

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