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            After Apollo flashes out, all faces turn toward Annabeth. She looked at each one in turn, before finally saying, “What?”

            “Wise Girl, Apollo said you know another strategy to deal with the minor gods. War might not work, so what else could?” asked Percy.

            “It depends on how hostile they are, I suppose. A trick could work, but it would have to be good. We could also cause issues between the individuals, rip their army apart at the seams. Or there’s always just trying to come to a simple compromise.”

            “You want us to just go in and ask them politely not to kill us?” asked Leo.

            “Like I said, it depends on how hostile they are. It could work, or it could get us blasted to bits. But that’s a risk with any strategy. I don’t think there’s a fool-proof plan. With all of them, we have a decent chance of failure. But Apollo’s right. The chances of loss are too high, much higher than any other method. We’re outnumbered, and besides-“ Annabeth cut herself off. Piper could tell she didn’t want to say it, but they all knew it was there.

            No matter how much Piper thought Jason was amazing, he wasn’t much compared to Percy. Percy had defeated more Titans and giants than Piper could name, and had even bested Ares when he was twelve. Piper had heard the legends about him at Camp Half-Blood, and if even half of them were true… they needed Percy.

            Percy laid his head back down on the pillow, staring up at the cave ceiling. “We risk a lot, and if we fail, war’s the only option, but I vote diplomacy. I’m not one for sneaky tactics, I’d rather face them head on.”

            “You do realize that if we go to war, you’ll be no where near able to fight like you usually do?” asked Jason, looking at Percy in concern. Piper was happy to see the two finally getting along well, instead of the previous power struggle. They had set aside their differences, become friends. And they had gone through a lot together the past few days, which is bound to help.

            “Yeah, but I have to try. So, what gods and goddesses do we think want to do me in?” asked Percy. He tried to keep his tone light, but Piper could tell he was still hurt, and more than a little concerned.

            “Well, Morpheus and Hecate for sure. Nemesis, I bet. I’m sure Melinoe, she probably still hates you. Eros, although I doubt it. Not like you ever did anything to him. Eris, just because she loves to create chaos. Khione is a given. Phobos ad Deimos, they’ll like causing problems. As for the others, I have no idea. You have a habit of making gods mad at you, which is going to be a huge problem. Try not to get incinerated, Seaweed Brain,” answered Annabeth, looking grim.

            “So, who should we reach out to?” asked Frank.

            “We could try Hecate. She was helpful, up until recently,” suggested Hazel.

            “Where would we find her, though?” asked Jason.

            Piper jumped when Calypso answered. She had almost forgotten the girl was there. “Try finding a crossroads. You might be able to cause her to sense your presence, and get her to appear. But I’d start with Morpheus, if I were you.”

            “Why?” asked Piper.

            “The sooner you get him on your side, the better. Percy’s still healing, and needs rest. He can’t get that with Morpheus as an enemy. If you can get him to change sides, Percy will be able to rest—PERCY!” she shouted, cutting off her last sentence. The son of Poseidon jolted, dangerously close to falling asleep. Piper could tell he was exhausted, and why wouldn’t he be? After the past few days, he deserved a peaceful nap.

            “Stay awake, Percy,” said Piper, guiltily allowing charmspeak to flow into her voice. His eyes brightened, like he had drank several pots of coffee.

            “Sorry, didn’t mean to fall asleep,” he said, sitting up. He winced occaisionally, but seemed to be a bit better. “Let’s get going. Are you coming with, Calypso?”

            She shook her head, looking sad. “No. You may have changed, but the island’s magic has not. I still cannot leave. But now that you are all able to return, I hope I may see you soon.”

            Piper looked at Leo, who looked heartbroken. She could only hope, for her best friend’s sake, they would survive another quest. Leo deserved to be happy.

            “All right, let’s find Morpheus.”

Sorry there's not much action, it's a bit filler-y. But they had some descions to make, so that'll require dialogue, ya know? So they had to leave Calypso, and for two of them, it wasn't the first time. But don't worry--she'll be back. So, comment, vote, do as you please, but I'd love to know if you like this story, or are just openning the chapter and wondering if I've lost my mind. So, let me know what you think, positive or negative. -T

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