Chapter 1- Lock and loaded

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No ones pov

Amity Colosseum, the main attraction when it came to the Vytal festival. It here where students from every school around Remnant come to show off their skills for the crowds. While most civilians were oblivious to the incoming danger, Y/n felt on edge for the past few weeks since what happened at Central. Going through the underground tunnels leading to the arean, we see Team FOST sitting in one of the many changin rooms with Y/n not seemingly around.

Sapphire: (Frustrated) "Where the hell is he? Even Y/n wouldn't risk missing something as big as the team battles."

Sapphire walks around in circles as she keeps trying to call Y/n on her scroll.

Olivia: "Relax, Sapphire. I'm sure he will be here any second."

Sapphire suddenly jumps in suprise as the call finally comes through.

Sapphire: (Irritated) "Y/n! Where are you?!....What do you mean your still in the dorm?! Our match is in 10 minutes!......Yes im serious!"

Sapphire lets out a irritated sigh as the call ends.

Sapphire: "Apparently, our oh so great leader was taking a nap back in our dorm..."

Olivia and Thorin chuckles as they continue getting geared up.


Over at Beacon we watch as our Young leader sprints out of the dorm area of Beacon, making his way quickly to the airship station while scrambling to get his combat gear on. Slipping aboard the stationed Airship just as it's about to take off, Y/n pants heavily as he keeps adjusting his combat gear.

Y/n: "Dammit, i should have known that it wouldn't have been a good idea to take a nap before the match..."

Y/n walks over and sits down on one of the empty seats on the ship as he looks out the window, staring over at Amity Colosseum as it floats in the air over Vale. Taking a deep breath we see him getting slightly nervous, even though he's have been training hard these past weeks to get back in form, There has been no sign of Shadow since the battle. The thought of him possibly being gone hasn't really been the best thing since in his mind since he has no idea what that means when it comes to using the aura Shadow has stored up. Once the ship reaches the landing zone at the colosseum, we see him snap back to reality and make his way off the ship.

Y/n pov

Running down the underground tunnels of the Colosseum, you soon arrive at the changing room your team were waiting in. Panting heavily you walk in and sit down on a nearby bench.

Y/n: "I made it... in time."

Sapphire: "Yeah, barely."

Y/n: "Come on, i told you on the call that i was sorry."

Sapphire sighs as she keeps getting geared up, walking up to your locker you pull out your weapon and stand ready with the others.

Y/n: "Everyone ready?"

Sapphire: "We've been ready for a few minutes now, just waiting on you."

Y/n: "Right...well let's give the crowd a good match to watch."

You smirk as you hold out your hand, Sapphire rolls her eyes and giggles before putting her hand on top of yours, followed by Thorin and Olivia. Looking at each other you smirk as you all throw throw your hands in the air, cheering.

Everyone: "Go team FOST!!"

You all chuckle and walk out of the changing room, going over to the entrence of the arena.

Port: "Now, ladies and gentelmen. Please welcome the next teams to participate in the tournament. From Beacon Academy, we have the team that together with team CFVT, JNPR and TEAM RWBY, helped protect Vale from the recent Grimm attack. Welcome, Team FOST!!"

End of the beginning- Male reader x Yang Xiao Long (Vol. 3) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now