Chapter 9- SSSN vs FOST

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Y/n pov

The sound of the crowd's cheering could be heard all the way down the hallway, it was almost like a reminder that every move you make on the field is studied and watched by everyone. You were currently standing by the entrence to the field, ready for your doubles round. Next to you stood Thorin, his attention seemingly more on you rather then the sounds of the crowd.

Thorin: (Chuckles) I don't think i've ever seen you nervous before.

Y/n: Can you blame me? This match is the one step between us and the single round. It's basically are or nothing now.

Thorin walks up and pats you lightly on the back, which seems to bring your mood up abit atleast.

Thorin: As long as you got my back, i got yours.

You chuckled and returned the gesture by patting Thorin on the back.

Y/n: For being usually the quiet guy, you sure know how to motivate people.

Throin: (Shurgs) We all got our own secrets.

You nodded and the two of you smiled at one another, our little moment was soon interrupted by sounds of the microphones up at the commentator booth turning on, with Professor Port's always cheerful voice being heard coming through speakers soon after.

Port: People of Remnant, welcome back to the last doubles round! Let us welcome these two final teams for this evening, Team SSSN and Team FOST!

The cheerings from the crowd became louder and louder as you and Thorin got closer to the bright entrence leading to the field, stepping out you were greeted by the sight of Neptune and Sun already standing on the middle platform, seemingly waiting for you two.

Y/n: (Turning to Thorin) Alright, let's give this our all!

Thorin nodded and two of you shared a fist bump as you walked towards the middle of the field.

Sun: YO! What a suprise to see that you two are our opponents.

Y/n: Could say the same to you, but now we can atleast see your skills up close.

Sun: Yeah? didn't get a good enough view back at central?

Thorin: You mean of you two playing junior detectives?

Neptune: Hey! We had badges, meaning it's was official.

Y/n: Well let's see if your detective skills can help you two with finding the answer to why you lost once we beat you two.

Sun smirked at you and twirled around his staff as the holographic biome picker started spinning. Glancing up at the audience you saw Sapphire and Olivia sit next to Team RWBY and Team JNPR, though with Pyrrha missing for some reason.

The spinner slowed down until it came to a stop, the field around you slowly opening up and the Volcanic area, Ocean area, mountains area and Desert area rise up.

Neptune: (pouting) Why does it have to be ocean....

Y/n: (To Sun) Huh, so you weren't lying when you said Neptune was afraid of the ocean.

Sun: Of course not, since when have i told a lie?

Y/n: Good point.

Port: Three! Two! One! Begin!

No ones pov

As Port signaled the start of the match, Sun didn't waste a second and charged straight towards Y(n, swinging his staff down towards him. Y/n raises his blades and manages to block it in time. Thorin quickly lifts his rifle and fires off a shot towards the blonde monkey Faunus, making him jump back to avoid getting hit.

End of the beginning- Male reader x Yang Xiao Long (Vol. 3) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now