Chapter 6- Fairy tales

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Y/n pov

Walking down the halls of the dormitory, your attention turns to the sound of voices shouting from team RWBY's dorm room. Walking over you softly knock at the door and wait it to open. Once it does your greeted by Yang giving you warm smile before pulling you in, sitting in the middle of the room you spot Ruby and Qrow playing together.

Ruby: You'll never beat me, old man!

Qrow: You're nothing but talk, Kid!

Y/n: They sure seem to be taking this very serious.

Yang: Yeah, they both get very competitive when it comes to video games.

Y/n: You make it sound like your not competitive.

Yang: Of course i am, but those two go all in just to take even a percent of each others health.

Y/n: Heh, so it seems.

Turning your attention back to the game you watch as the two ninjas jump around the screen while throwing shurikens at each others. Glancing at the Ruby you can see she's trying to mash out any combo she knows while Qrow taps out his combos at an intense speed, the two didn't even seem to have noticed your arrival with how immersed they were to the game.

Yang: So, Ruby told me that you were with Qrow when that whole fight happened.

Y/n: I mean, it didn't even feel like an actual fight. Seems more like Qrow was just toying with Winter that whole time.

Yang: How could you tell?

Looking over at the game you watched as one of the ninjas decapitates the other one. Ruby lets out a whine as she hangs her head in shame while Qrow grins at his victory.


Y/n: I guess i just have learnt to know when someone is not fighting with full strenght.

Qrow: What are you two mumbling about?

Qrow looks over his shoulder at the two of you while taking a swig from his flask, the smell of booze from him being so strong that you could still smell it while you stood at the other side of the room.

Yang: Just chatting about your little brawl right in front of our school.

Qrow: To be fair, i wasn't the one who started it.

Y/n: But you meant to have her charge at you, didn't you?

Qrow: You could say so.

Qrow chuckled before turning his attention to Ruby who was still hanging her head in shame.

Qrow: And by the way, don't ever call me old.

Yang slides over and pushes Ruby out of the way, grabbing the controller as it spins in the air.

Yang: My turn!

Qrow: Now, where was i?

Ruby: You were telling us about your last mission!

Qrow: Right, right... I'd come across a small village in the swamps west of Mistral. Right off the bat, I knew something wasn't right.

Ruby: what were you doing there?

Qrow: I needed information. Tired from battling Grimm along the way, I decided to start my search at the town's inn. The place was crawling with lowlifes and thugs, even a few Huntsmen that I could only assume had been hired by less-than reputable people for less-than respectable jobs. And that's when it happened.

Yang: What happened?

Y/n: Yeah, enough with these dramatic pauses, just tell us already.

Qrow: I was defeated... by the mere sight...

End of the beginning- Male reader x Yang Xiao Long (Vol. 3) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now