Lucas x David

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Lucas 's pov all story

Am I really a bad perant to plant? I felt my eyes well with tears. Suddenly David walked in on me bawling on my couch, I sniffled out "hey David" his face had obvious worry he softly said "what's the matter Lucas?" I shook with emotion as I questioned "am I a bad perant to plant? I mean I left him alone without anybody knowing" David instantly wrapped his arms around me and brought me into a hug and said "Lucas, you are a good perant to plant I'm sorry for calling you negligent you are anything but and I love you and so dose plant" as he said that my face turned a soft pink, then David realised what he said and went to apologize but I kissed him in the lips softly and said "I love you and plant too" I emphasized this with a kiss and hiding my blushing face in the crook of his neck, he chuckled and held me tighter and Kissed my neck, then plant run in and jumped on us and said with a smile "papa and dada" we both smiled and brought him into the hug.

And we are done, sorry I haven't posted much so I hope you enjoyed this please leave any criticism in the comments. I hope you had a good Halloween 🎃 even if your in lockdown as I was Ritchie x Devon will be out tomorrow. 💕💕

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