Chapter Three

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We jumped in to the car, Liam and Daniell at the back and me and Zayn at the front because Zayn decided to drive. Then Liam decided to meet up with the boys and to go out because they wanted to spend some time with me. So we picked up Harry, Niall, Louis and Marshell and Sonia joined us as well.

*Harry’s P.O.V.*

There Marshell was always looking at Niall the way I would look at her but Niall didn’t really care he was one of them player type boys who didn’t care about feelings. If only she would realise me I would do anything and everything for her. If only I had the guts to go up to her and ask her out but I was too shy to do anything about it. I had to do something before it was too late. Why is it out of all the boys in the group I had to be the soft one? Every time I would make conversation with her she would look like as if she didn’t care it was as if she hated me or something. Marshell was always laughing at Niall’s jokes, they were really close friends. She knew his innocent sweet side but not the other side of him. If only one day I could show her his bad side, but I couldn’t do that to my best friend no way I could do that to him. I guess it’s not his fault in a way because he didn’t know that I like Marshell. Marshell doesn’t deserve someone like him at all; she’s one beautiful and amazing girl.

*At the beach*

*Zayn’s P.O.V.*

We stopped at the seaside but I really didn’t want to because I had the biggest fear of water. But I just did it for my girl who I loved. We walked to the top of the mountain it was okay for me know because I wasn’t scared of heights anymore. Annee was talking to Marshell at the same time so I called her over to look at the sunset with me, while Marshell went over to Harry. Annee’s eye’s were so beautiful they sparkled in the sun, it was like she already understood me inside out, I could see it through her eyes all her pain I just wanted her to know that I was here for her no matter what.

*Harry’s P.O.V*

Marshell started to walk over to me, but I started to get panicky and my heart started beating fast I didn’t know what to do. Should I flirt with her or should I just act normal I know she only takes me as a friend and she wouldn’t see me in any other way. Marshell started asking me about Niall. How he was around the boys. I didn’t know what to say the truth or to make up something; I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. I could see how much she loved him. I told her that he was a sweet guy always and he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her at all no matter what. Then I had an ache in my heart, I ruined my moment with her the one and only one, I didn’t know what to do anymore. I guess it was for the best but I really don’t want Marshell to get hurt.

*Louis’s P.O.V*

Me and Sonia sat on the sand looking directly at the beautiful sunset. Sonia always knew how to make me smile and laugh, she was one amazing friend. Don’t know what I would have done without her. If only she was my girlfriend, I had to man up and tell her my feelings. I turned around and looked at Sonia and played around with my words saying Sonia I think you would realise by now that I like you so I’m asking you now before I lose you will you go out with me? Sonia turned around and smiled saying yes.

*Zayn’s P.O.V.*

Annee started dancing around while I sang ROCK ME to her because she loved the song. Suddenly she got right next to the edge and slipped and fell right in to the water. All i could hear her was screaming Zayn save me. The rest of the gang came screaming behind me. I didn’t know what to do I couldn’t swim but I had to dive in to save my girl. I took my shoe off. The boys shouted at me not to jump in because I couldn’t swim but I didn’t care. I jumped in. I couldn’t breathe at all, I looked and looked for her but I couldn’t find her. I felt like as if I was drowning, I couldn’t stay up in the water. Liam swam in after me. I suddenly found someone bobbing it was Annee. I quickly grabbed hold of her but I couldn’t stay up I was drowning. Liam quickly swam in and got Annee while I tried to swim back but I couldn’t I drowned in and Louis came swimming in for me.

*Marshell’s P.O.V.*

I couldn’t believe this was happening; the ambulances were here and took them both away. We all quickly got in to the car and drove straight to the hospital. Harry and Niall went with Zayn and Anneeto the hospital.

Chapter 3 let me know what you guys think please'xx

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