chapter one

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HELLO Y'ALL *says this while rollerskating/reading/drinking coffee/watching a movie* 

soooo this is my first function! I love Haymitch so freaking much and I hope you enjoy this chapter... leave your comments porfavor ;)

Chapter one

5:30 am

July fourth, I wake up a normal coal miners son, living in district 12. I stretch my arms to the ceiling, and put my feet on the ice-cold ground... the chilliness of the ground always sends an electric shock through my body that instantly gives me a boost of energy for the day. I get dressed put my hair in a bun, and grab my bottle of water, "oh no you don't" says Dahlia and mom at the same time. Dahlia is my sister and my mother's name is Lavender. Reply to the "yes" Mom says "Haymitch, you know this. Before you go to the hob or anywhere you take a bath" I reply " how would I take a bath if we don't even have water" Dahlia points out the kitchen window "there's rain" I reply "and there's wood outside but that doesn't mean I go and make a house with it" Dahlia replies "would be nice though to see you do something productive and show some hard work for once" ugh, my sister.. she stubborn, hard-headed and stupid. My brother walks in with a dead goat in his hand and says "I caught it!" My mom says "whats's its name" Louren replies "dead meat" and places the goat on the table. My mom grabs a sharp knife and chops the head and appendages off of the goat and hands them to me to throw them out. Louren walks out and he says "can I go with you to the hob" I reply "didn't your clothes get fixed yesterday?" He replies "yes," I say "well then stay here and help mom" he replies "What's it worth! She spends the whole time crying" I reply "well, do you blame her" I throw the goats parts into the dirt and dig a hole to place them in and Louren says "no" then I reply "there's your answer.

I tell Louren to go back inside and I sneak away to the hob. The hob is where I meet my grandmother, every year during the reaping. Gran... That's what I call her but her real name is Beau well Beatrice, Beatrice Abernathy, she is my father's mother but my father died in a coal mining incident a couple of years ago. Thankfully, Gran has always been a mother to me, Louren came later on... I am 16 and Louren is six, so mom gives all her attention to Louren since he's younger. The past six years Gran has been more than a Grandmother to me, Dahlia spends all her time training as a nurse and opening time with her Boyfriend... His name is something Everdeen, I can never figure it out... but he takes up all her of time and the only motherly figure or sort of guidance Dahlia has in her own subconscious.

The morning is dense and wet... you can see the mist in the air fog up and the orange sun rising ... mornings like these make life worth living in district 12. I live in the more wealthy part of district 12, not wealthy but we don't have major problems with food or water well we do but we don't, we just have some perks since my father died, so we are considered wealthy compared to like other families.

On my way to the hob, I see Ajax, Ajax He's doing the same things I do every year on the reaping day. Ajax is really the only friend that has stayed with me over the years... he's been a good and loyal friend considering I treat everybody with no respect, well sometimes.. he's really just a genuine friend but he's really competitive but shy... he tries to think of himself as a tough "manly" guy but deep down he's really a pussycat... always twitching and moving something around... he always seems to be preoccupied with something or angry about the school, or himself.

I arrive at the hob where I see Gran sewing up clothes for the others in the district who buy clothes from her for the reaping. "Morning," I say trying to be more cheerful considering that this is the most awful days of the year for gran "oh Haymitch can't you just say a four-letter or a five-letter word like hello or something you kids say these days," She says sarcastically, I reply as she is pinning my clothes to get the right fit...." ouch", Gran looks at me pitifully and she says "Haymitch, you are 16 just deal with the pain!" I roll my eyes back at her and well random but I tend to find the hob interesting, The place is boiling and mysterious the place is full of culture and represents a period of time that you can't write down, something more you would have to experience yourself. I find it well puzzling although I know everybody here.

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