chapter two

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hey, ya'll! *comes in through the door  blasting  Cuban salsa music and dancing with her dog* 

well, you made it to the 2nd chapter! i hope you like it I'm ngllll I hope you like how Effie and Haymitch relationship is presented here bc I tried to make it as realistic as possible 


Chapter 2

7:30 pm

What? This girl is... 16, maybe? How is she here? Are we picking her up from district 2? The odds were in her favor, but... this is stupid! Why did she get a chance to be more verse us? Us in twelve hang to suffer... and beg for a piece of bread. This girl and her being is already annoying me. Effie Trinket. "she is from district 2, and Effie is about 15 years old and will be helping me a lot with you all with your uh...physicality." Effie's light blue eyes lock with mine, and she gives a sincere smile... Her eyes look like they are made of blue marble, so delicate and indifferent that we see here in twelve. I can see her just with her eyes. Who knew you could do that with a capitol girl? I mean, she annoys me, but she is pretty. I guess we have a perception that all capitol citizens are stupid and wasteful. Well, they are, but I don't know, something is different. I don't know her, and I am very judgmental towards her, but Her eyes look watery like she about to cry or let a tear out... maybe of happiness?... I wouldn't mind if she were crying with joy because she didn't get reaped! Verses us. Effie says In a soft, welcoming voice, "Hello, I'm happy to be with all of you today.. this is going to be a fabulous Quarter quell.."

We all stand awkwardly in a semi-circle, and then, Heather, Karma, Evian, and Jasyn Escort themselves out, and they bring in the suitcase after the suitcase into the train, and they all take out notepads... And I hear them discussing color options and different fabrics they should use, but they leave Effie behind. Oh god, this should be fun, a capitol wannabe girl in a district body... this should be a sight. We're all in a circle randomly standing, and Ajax says, "hi Miss. Trinket, I'm Ajax, Ajax Cohen ... This is fauna, Maysilee, and Haymitch" our eyes lose touch. She looks at each one of us, slowly taking off her silk gloves, "how sweet! well, you all know me as Effie or Miss.Trinket, but you can call me Effie it is fine don't worry.. this is my first time participating in the games, I am very excited!" she says politely. Ajax says, "well, isn't that just fabulous!"... I say, "your not participating in the games, your not going to lose blood or stab anybody. All your going to do is paint our faces," Maysilee says, "Haymitch calm down" I reply "it's true. She's not participating in the games she is apart of the organization, if you would even call it that... she's apart of the staff it's clear," Maysilee says "it still doesn't mean you should attack her" I employ "no attacking is going to be done other that's for sure, just to us," Fauna says "Haymitch has a point," Ajax says "sh." This all annoys me so much. 'my first time participating in the games' who does she think she is, does she also hope to like become an Evian type? This all drives me insane.

I say, nudging Ajax at his side, "let's go to the couch" we all agree and go to the couch, and Maysilee looks worried, and she tries to start forming conversation, and Maysilee begins by saying, "so.... um." Fauna says, "Effie tell us about you; we all know one another, so" Effie smiles, and she takes a breath and thinks for a second. She says, "well, I was raised in district 2, I studied in the university well I trained for the games until I was 14, I got the opportunity to be drafted to be in this lovely 'organization,' and I passed the test!" I say, "you passed the test?" She says, "why yes, of course... the test like capitol history why we do what we do" I reply, "they test you on the hunger games?" She replies, "yes.. in a way, we get tested on what we would do as an official and what we would do in our field like I happen to get tested orders of putting on make-up and such, but I also had to have a clean record and only have my name in the fishbowl a couple of times so that the odds would be in my favor." Maysilee starts "hah that must be a dream... living in the capitol getting tested, going to a university. Imagine that.. Haymitch's sister and I would talk about the capitol when we were younger, we used to wish we had the fine clothing and wish we were allowed to wear the excessive amount of make-up" Effie replies, "well, I have to admit it wasn't a lovely life growing up, training for the games and stuff.. but we all have our dreams and shall abide by them if we chose to succeed in the" I say sarcastically "well-spoken. Like a true teenager," Effie replies, "hm? Excuse me?" I respond, "well, I thought you would say something more humane you sound like a peacekeeper; I am not going to lie," and she begins, "well, I am capitol" I reply, "your district," she says "I am capitol." Ajax replies, "well, I'm sorry, miss capitol, but you sound scripted and peacekeeper like... I agree with Haymitch. I'm going to the kitchen to get something," I say, "get the skinny bottle up there," Ajax says, "the.." I reply, "yes, the booze".... Maysilee gets the glasses," Maysilee says, bugging her eyes out like a bunny.

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