Prologue- Just a Camp

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To an outside perspective they seemed like the perfect family. A sweet elderly couple, the Obadia's, had appeared almost out of nowhere one day in the small town of Lockhart. No one questioned where they had come from, and everyone was grateful that they were there. In fact the rumor around town was they were literal angels. They'd purchased a farm on the outskirts of town, and after a year of being there they'd transformed their farm into a place of shelter for orphaned kids. Some they adopted through the system, some were simply left on their porch, and some kids were given to them by parents who couldn't take care of them anymore. However they accumulated the children, the Obadia's little family grew very quickly along with the respect from the small town community. A few people thought they were odd and reclusive. No one ever saw them around town. They grew their own food, had their own quaint little chapel, and even had a schoolhouse. Even though some people thought they were mysterious, you'd never hear anyone in Lockhart talking badly about them or questioning their methods. Almost as if an enchantment was placed over the entire town. The Obadia's were free to do as they'd please. They could get away with murder... or many.

I'll never forget the day I was brought through what I now fondly call hell's gates. It all started the day we lost my mom. Her death was a shock to our whole family as well as the rest of our friends. In society's eyes she'd been living the American dream. A loving husband who worked for her so she could focus on her art, a successful gallery, and two young daughters who adored her. She was radiant and always had a heartwarming smile on her face. The world will never get to know why she did it, she didn't leave a note. If you sit and wonder what went wrong, or try to trace it back putting the blame on anything else so you're not left with the shame that it might've been your fault, it will drive you insane. That's what sent my dad into a spiral. He started drinking, never leaving his room. He wouldn't even eat, the only sign of life were his quiet sobs late at night. This left thirteen year old me in charge of the house and my 10 year old sister. I kept hoping that one day things would be better. That maybe he'd sober up enough to realize that he had two daughters that were still very much alive. That day never came. He ended up losing his job, then the bank foreclosed on the house, and it wasn't long before a concerned neighbor called CPS.

A knock came one gloomy fall day. Eve and I were watching the Saturday cartoons and eating cheerios. I left my spot on the couch to go answer the door. I opened it to find a well dressed man with a name badge and briefcase. He looked very out of place on our disaster of a porch. He smiled at me sadly and introduced himself as Henry. He then asked if my dad was home before informing me that it was very important. I knew not to let strangers inside, no matter how important, so I politely asked him to wait. He agreed and I closed the door. My mind racing with thoughts, I walked down the hall in a trance. I knocked at my dad's bedroom door and heard him sloppily grumble a 'come in'. The smell of whiskey hit me like a train as I poked my head into his dark room. After I told him about Henry, he groaned and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and I still couldn't tell you if it was from the hangover or if it was the regret. Because, he knew exactly what was about to happen. Half asleep and half dressed, he pushed passed me. He then stumbled down the hallway almost knocking my mom's photo clear off the wall. Muttering something under his breath, he fixed the portrait, and gently traced her face with his fingers. I heard him let out a tired sigh before he went out the front door, closing it securely behind him. I went back to the couch and sat there trying to assure myself he'd fix things. Soon my hopes were shattered. He came back inside bringing Henry with him. He turned off the tv and tried to explain to us what was going to happen. My mind began ringing and I felt my body numb. Over the next hour or so, my dad watched with teary eyes as our few belongings were thrown into trash bags and then stuffed into Henry's car. We hugged my dad goodbye and he sobbed empty promises that he'd fix things. As we drove away I watched my dad collapse on the porch stairs. He grasped the railing as if it were the only thing he had left in the world. My heart broke for him.

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