•Won't leave you•

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"What's wrong Kite?" Gon asked

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"What's wrong Kite?" Gon asked.

You were just as confused as he was, is something here? Could there possibly be someone after all of you?

"I need you all to run"


Run? Where? You thought.
You've come a long way you were also exhausted from walking miles but still had energy in you.

Before You could say anything else Kites hand was completely cut off.

Everything felt slow you couldn't comprehend what had just happened. Gon and Killua froze in their place feeling scared for the man.
You turned to see who was this person as they turned around dark aura appeared all three of you were stunned by it.

You normally wouldn't get scared at any aura whether how bad it was but this was another level you felt fear and worry you wanted to curl up in a ball and cry but you knew that you had to toughen up.

Gon was completely losing it at this point complete hatred and disgust in his eyes. I had to stop him but I was still frozen why aren't you moving? Your supposed to save everyone you made a promise ever since you all came here, before you could get to him Killua knocked him out.

"Good decision, Killua" Kite said.

"Now take Gon and run including you."

Kite looked your way as a way for you to leave him behind.
Leave him behind you thought just like that? We've been through so much not to mention this weird feeling I always have around him, what could it be?
You hesitated looking to where Killua was who was waiting for your decision.
You inhaled and exhaled now you were pissed off so you spoke...


They all stared at you wide-eyed.

"Go on without me I'll be fine I can handle this" Kite said.

"I said no, your not dying not on my watch." You gave him a glare.

"Killua I want you to take Gon and leave us both behind I promised that I'd protect you all so I will, now go on" you gave him a smile a smile he won't forget.

He nodded and ran. You smiled till he left then turned to glare at the chimera ant watching you steadily chuckling in excitement.

"Stupid decision" Kite said.

"Whatever let's get this over with."

-Your POV-
I quickly slashed them with my nen strings they weren't powerful not from what I've seen but they had affect. They went ahead and tried slashing my head but I quickly dodge having to have an opening and quickly tried to run my nen through them.

With their quick thinking I was impaled through the side causing me to fall back.

"Shit" I say

looking down I see huge amount of blood coming out of me.
Kite on the other hand saw and tried to distract them away from me.

"Get out of here let me handle this!" He yelled as he was desperately trying to dodge their attacks I could tell he was also getting tired.

No I can't give up yet I have to save him so what I did was stand back up I stumbled but still had balance I can do this. I tied my opponent with nen in order for them not to move and finally get over with it.

No use...

instead, they quickly jumped up and trying to slice me down. It's to late I can't dodge at the speed they are going so I ducked, the ant cutting my hair short....pieces of hair falling out.

Hm mew you're very good at dodging not to mention those nen strings how strange it'd be a pleasure to kill you" The ant said with excitement.

I was standing next to Kite who was struggling to stand up.

"Woah woah you okay?" He stumbled on me causing me to also stumble but still got a hold of him.

"Yeah, they're tough I don't even know how much long they will keep this up."

I stared at him worriedly not knowing what move they might make next.

"Hey...I shouldn't have brought you here you should've stayed with the others safe."

"Others? No way! I'm really happy you brought me here with you it's an honor too! I got to meet the friends you made I'm just happy to be spending time with you." Kite stared at me with his eyes.

"You know I really like fighting by your side being there to protect you and we will fight side by side that's why I like you!"

I didn't realize what I said but I know I was telling the truth.

"I'm sorry"

Kite said before pushing me off of the cliff.


  •Stay tuned for part ll•

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