•Won't leave you•| II

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I see...


As you were falling from the cliff not to far from landing you knew he pushed you to keep you safe, you got that but did you really wanna get him killed?


You can't...

Your eyes widened and realized what'd he just did, you couldn't leave him to die. Your eyes filled with such anger your Nen awakened. Your Nen strings bolted out from the tips of your fingers.

The Nen strings attached to the tree branches with all your strength you leaped up.

Nen surrounding you such power flowed throughout your whole body. You then thought that with this amount of power, you had hope you could defeat the ant.

Kite turned to see your glowing figure. His eyes widened, not with worry but with fear.

The Ant was a mix of both excited and amazed.

You quickly zoomed their direction targeting the ant attacking it with all the strength you had, you didn't miss you could finally throw a punch a really powerful one too that threw them all the way to the trees of the forest.

"Die" was all you said.

You turned to Kite.

Who was both confused and stunned.



"Why do you always have to protect me? You could have just left me here! Save yourself dammit!" He yelled just enough to make himself fall on his knees coughing out blood.

You were irritated.

Not even a thank you.

"Do you want me to just leave a person that means so much to me die here?" You said.

He stayed silent.

"That's what I thought" you say walking towards him, picking him up, him putting his arm around your shoulder.

"Let's get you somewhere safe to lay" you say.

Walking towards the other direction of the forest.

Your POV:

I make him sit on a tree behind some bushes where we couldn't be seen. Giving him some water to drink.

I pull his chin up making him drink it.

"Easy" I say.

"Now" I stood up putting the water in my pocket.

"We aren't finished defeating the ant I'm pretty sure I knocked it out cold enough time for you to rest" I said as I caressed my wound.

Kite didn't like one thing about this.

"You wait here I'll find the ant and finally defeat it for once" I said with such confidence but something deep down told me I couldn't but I ignored it.

"I'm off" before I could walk away Kite grabbed my wrist causing me to flinch.

I turned to see him.

Was he worried?

How cute.

"Me and you both know we can't defeat such a monster." Kite said as he breathed heavily.

"Is that what you think?" He looked up at me.

"Hey, I'll be okay just gotta stay positive"  I told him with such confidence.

"You don't understand! We need you alive!"


"So do I"

"That's why I'm finally ending this once and for all" I say.

I pulled my hand away but struggled.

"K-Kite let go" I tried to pull away but he was to strong.

After many attempts I wasn't playing anymore.

"Kite if you don't let go I swear I'll-"

He pulled me in kissing my lips a passionate one.

We pulled away slowly for air.

"Let's go back we aren't strong enough to defeat them" He says.

I tried to say something but before I could a sharp someone stabbed right through Kite.


•Stay tuned for part III•

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