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"I think we're always intrigued by things we aren't familiar with."


[Authors POV]

[Two days later]

Footsteps echoed, heart raced, forehead damped, sweaty palms, and with chants leaving Yuri's mouth, she made her way to the cell. The whole hallway was silent, like an abandoned city after explosion.

"How worse can it get?"She asked herself about being so afraid, though she had already met the insane male a few times.

When her feet stopped infront of the bars, she automatically sucked in deep breathe, filling her brain with positive scenarios.

I just have to unlock his chains. Not that bad right?

Removing the locks quickly, she hurriedly put the keys back in the back pocket of her black jeans. She expected Yoongi to notice her arrival, probably comment on her simple outfit or shoot her his smirk. But she did not find any sign when she stepped, though she was sure to step inside loudly with her boots.

She wanted attention. Something in Yoongi drew her attention. Yuri wanted him to tease her, comment on her outfit, do everything that made her annoyed. Yuri cleared her throat audibly.

But the lonely man was having his knees up to his chest, staring into thin air, back facing Yuri. Her lips started to frown as she wondered his change of action.

"Um,"She starts, hesitating as she was at loss of words. "I...have to walk you outside."With that, Yuri stepped closer but stops in her way, when a scary growl erupts from Yoongi. Shivering by the noise, she cautiously takes another tread and reached down to touch his shoulder, when he rotated his head suddenly, taking her by surprise.

Yoongi showed her his faint pale stare, that drilled holes into her skull. Though he was wearing a blindfold, she started to feel unsettling. But nonetheless, Yuri unlocked his chains on his injured wrists swiftly, ignoring his eye contact. That was the only way right?

Yoongi watched her every movement, in silence. When she came to his feet, Yuri deeply feared he would kick her right in her face and escape the place, without anyone noticing. She couldn't help it when Yoongi was a psychopath. He was abnormal.

Shaking breaths slipped out her mouth as the keys inserted into the lock, twisting and turning it and she finally let him free. The two security guards outside kept gazing at her every five seconds, assuring Yuri wasn't beaten up or had fainted inside by Yoongi's eyes.

She wasn't sure if she should remove the cloth covering his eyes. But Yoongi sat as still as a rock, keeping his gaze over the lady. She did not feel like lifting him up, so she announced, ",uh stand up."and took a step back herself.

He obeyed her and did as told. Yuri's attention went to Yoongi's height. His height had towered her that she gulped, looking away. He was taller than her, she could say taller than Jimin-

When the two men outside, noticed the nutcase hold hands with Yuri, their eyes widened, breaths jerked and they gaped at Yuri gently walking Yoongi out.

To their surprise, he was rather quiet, than like always who created a chaos and destroyed the people around when the other person was only going to bring him out. And there it came.

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