Reunited as a family

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This chapter goes to NovellaM, thedivergentmocking, AllisonBatterton, books_are_for_real, and luvwriting10 so I hope you guys like this last chapter!


Peeta P.O.V

We arrive in district one and my mind immediately goes to Katniss. Was Delly telling the truth, or was it just another schema of hers? I rush to the address it said that Katniss was at with the kids.

When we arrive, we see a mediocre sized house. No to brag but ou- my house is so much bigger. SO the question is, why did Katniss stay here instead of my house? I quickly knock on the door waiting for her to answer the door. Instead a man answers.

(I'm incredibly sorry if any Australians get offended by this I'm going of like stereotypical stuff. Sorry. >.<)

"Waz up mate?"

"Um... Hi? Is Katniss here?"

"She is. Why do you need her?"

"That's none of your worries."

"Fine. Follow me."

We walk in and both of the kids trail behind me. When I look down, I see Willow attempting to be strong. And then there's Rye who is shaking and holding onto my pant leg. We follow him in front of a room. He knocks first.

"Hey Kat, someone's here to see you."

"Okay one second."

I hear the door knob turn and click and I'm anxious to see how she is. The door opens and Rye lets go of my pant leg. Both him and Willow run up to Katniss and tackle her to the floor. Katniss cuddles and hugs them and smothers them to death with pecks on their cheeks and foreheads. I smile at the fact that sometime the future that could happen every day.

I quickly whip out my phone and take a picture. If there's ever day where I'm feeling down or angry, this will be the picture that I will look at to calm down and remember the great things in life. That most likely won't be the case though. If Katniss is by my side, bad days will be very rare for me. This is the day I want to hold onto forever.

Katniss finally is able to stand up. She smiles at them and then looks at me and her face drops.

"Peeta I'm so sorry I didn-"

"Let's go home Kat." I reach out my hand wait for hers to collide with mine. And at that very moment she reaches out to grab mine.

I smile and grab Rye's hand while she grabs Willow's. Today we leave as a family.

*3 years later*

Katniss P.O.V

"Mom. Mom. Mom. MOMMMMMMMMMM."

"I'm coming!" I quickly run up the stairs into the bathroom.

I open the door to Willow attempting to do her own hair.

"Mom it's not listening. Can you help me?"

I smile. "Of course I can."

I walk over and give her two braid just like I had when I was young. Like how Prim's hair was. Oh how much I miss her and wish she was next to me.

"Okay all done." I say with a smile.

"Thanks mommy." She says while hugging my legs.

"Okay c'mon Willow were going to see Daddy and Rye at the Bakery."

She jumps up excited."Okay let's go Mommy. Hurry up."

We end up running all the way until the bakery and the time we make it there Willow isn't tired. While me on the other hand just wants to lay down and sleep. We walk inside and I'm immediately hit with the fragrance of CHEESE BUNS!

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