Chp 01: A Case Of Double Murders

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Authors note: The earlier chapters are a pillar for the main arc to stand on. These give you the character's main appeal and background and are essential for the further trilogy parts to come. Suggestions are always welcome along with constructive criticism. Hope you enjoy.

Rains lashed the small town of St.Christford. Water drops though ferocious, fell steadily on the freshly mowed grass thereby releasing it's own sweet fragrance everywhere. Tress were swinging furiously accompanied by wind, which howled madly as nature seemed to be in it's own fury.
However, none of these natural elements seemed to affect the warmth of the church inside. 'The church of Good Ford' as it was locally called was a
18th century built church on the outskirts of the town, near the state highway. On the outside,it was a solid brick red in color with slanting roof tiles and a magnificent lawn covering it. For the interior the church had dark velvet maroon carpet with oak wood benches and a large wooden cross hung directly on the wall behind the main table which had 3 Mike's on it. Even though the church was old it had been renovated 2 months ago, with really good quality sound systems and durable lighting systemsbeing installed. The earlier benches too, were given away to an orphanageafter they were replaced by new darker ones.IT was on one of these benches that father Leonard sat that night. He was almost sixty eight, had grey hair ,a short trimmed beard and was the current priest.

Maybe it was the present of the holy spirit or the heater was at the correct temperature but Leonard felt at ease, felt unusually comfortable. He looked at the cross and gave a long sigh. He felt tired, craving for sleep like an addict craving for liquor. A few moments later, he was entering into sleep, his head laying on the bench. The sound of the howling wind got lower and lower as the father fell deeper into slumber.
Suddenly the doors blasted open! The sound was so loud that two of the six windows cracked. The father hastily woke up and turned, just to see a gigantic hammer been thrown towards him. Seconds later, he lay on the floor in a pool of his own blood. A man walked into the church, he wore a long trenchcoat, trousers and a baseball cap.His shoes made the faintest of sounds and he had a breath of curiosity surrounding him." I told you not to engage directly! Dont make decisions you'll end up regretting later Marsielle!" he shouted loudly as it was a bit difficult for his voice to reach the other who stood outside the church gate.

'Alright! Thankfully he is breathing' The man thought to himself as he checked the unconscious body of the priest. He grunted and a moment later swiftly putting body over his shoulder walked out the church. He stopped abruptly and turned back, the carpet had now begun to absorb the spilled blood as it turned a shade darker. However it wasnt the blood that captured his eye but the cross which was stuck on the wall. It seemed to emit a sort of positive energy towards him. Unwavered, the man took a deep breath and continued walking towards Marsielle who stood with an umbrella in his arm.
"Let me take that sire Korowaz." He spoke gently, extending his arm. Korowaz gave a sly grin as he handed over the body. 'Demons sure are crafty'
The sadhu walked in the lonely and narrow gully slowly. The gully which would have been jam packed had it been 9 AM was now quite deserted. He checked his watch, 4:15.
Giving a sigh, he continued walking. This part of town was considered to be particularly holy due to its proximity to the river Ganges. Most of the pilgrims here were on a one day trip and would, after a dip in the river, book one of those cheap lodgings which you charge you on a per hour basis. The rest of their day would either be spent as religious tourism, visiting artis and kirtans or souvenir shopping where they would buy portraits of prominent hindu gods and goddesses like Krishna,Hanuman, Laksmi. Certain people also sold Gangajal, water said to be collected from the holy rivers origin in the Himalayan mountain ranges. This ofcourse wasnt always the truth. Majority of the shops here, mixed regular tap water with a cheap perfume labelling as Gangajal and selling it in bulk to the masses who couldn't even tell the difference. He passed in front of one such shop, its shutter shut down.

CROSSFIELD TRILOGY : Volume No. 01Where stories live. Discover now