Ch. 7 Midnight Hunt and Not The Only One

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A/N: I know I have been gone for a while so I to make up for it I made this chapter a bit longer for you all to enjoy!

A/N: Please leave a comment of what you think of the story and it's chapter it will help with new chapters!


(Where we left off)

Toru: That's for understanding now go I am sure Mina is getting lonely~

Izuku: Alright Night Toru.

After walking back to my room I see Mina standing by my door.

Mina: Where were you?

Izuku: Just taking a call ready for movies?

Mina: Yep I'll get the snacks!


During the night I can't sleep I try to I really do but I can't sadly.

Every time I close my eyes I see the memories of men screaming as I take their lives something I have to live with forever...

As I get up without waking Mina up I step onto the balcony from my room.

Izuku: Ahhh... So peaceful at night...

I check to make sure she is still sleeping before I take out my BlackWatch communicator.

Izuku: Doc you there?

Koenig: Of course science doesn't sleep.

Izuku: So where is this other Orion facility?

Koenig: It's downtown in the abandoned Warehouse by the docks.

Izuku: Thanks Doc.

I coil my legs charging up a powerful yet quiet jump off my balcony into the night.

While gliding through the are I shape-shift into my Sgt. Jenkins disguise.

I hear from my radio that there is a chopper using the air bride to move to the testing grounds.

Izuku: *coughs, talking in Jenkins's voice* Hold there I am hopping on board be there in 5 mikes over.

Pilot: Roger that Sergeant we are awaiting your arrival.

Izuku: Roger copy that.

I make my way into the chopper heading to the testing grounds.

After about 30 minutes we land, As I step out I see that they already have Orion Soldiers roaming around.

Izuku:*Whisper* shit...

I see the base commander all alone I walk up to him and break his neck, consuming him I found who is in charge of the Orion project......Dr. Burk.

I now know who is in charge so I know who to go after, but now I got to take care of this place first.

I morph into my Claws and start attacking the first Orion Soldier.

I morph into my Claws and start attacking the first Orion Soldier

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