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Alysanne had heard many stories of the Dragon Queen's beauty. Yet as she stood before the Iron Throne, scarcely daring to look up for how in awe she was, she could tell that every single one of them had been understated. The Queen looked regal and elegant, lilac eyes fixed on some point in the back of the room. Long silver hair framed her face, making her appear older than her twenty-one years, and on top of her complicated braids sat a simple silver circlet set with alternating red and violet gemstones.

"Here comes Lady Alysanne Tyrell of Highgarden, daughter of the late Lord Mace Tyrell and his wife, Lady Alerie of House Hightower," started the girl standing next to the throne. She could not be older than six-and-ten, but spoke with such grace and authority that every single person in the Throne Room, few and far in between as they luckily were, soon fell silent.

"You are speaking to Daenerys Targaryen, the First of her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, the Unburnt, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Shackles and Mother of Dragons, Azor Ahai Reborn, Hero in the War for the Dawn."

Alysanne bowed deep, forcing herself to stay where she was even as her heart beat so fast she felt it threatened to burst out of her chest. For one single, agonizing moment, no one spoke. Then, she finally heard the new Queen's voice. It was soft and melodious with a barely audible accent colouring the ends of her sentences, a mark of her upbringing in Essos.

"Lady Alysanne. Welcome in King's Landing. Your journey wasn't too turbulent, I hope."

"It was no inconvenience at all, Your Grace," she said, and then wondered whether she should have said more. Or less. No one seemed to think she had caused some grievous offense though, and so Alysanne breathed a sigh of relief.

Daenerys also did not seem bothered by  the answer, only inclining her head slightly. "That is good to hear. Now, I assume you are aware of why you have been summoned here."

"Well, in fact..." Alysanne said, then reconsidered. Should she have just gone along with it? But Daenerys was looking at her with furrowed brow, clearly expecting an explanation, and so she continued. "No, Your Grace. I was not made aware of why I was called for this audience."

Instantly, she regrets speaking up. In this world, one of schemes and games and conspiracies, politeness and wit were everything, something she learned early on. Your life might very well depend upon knowing your opponent's next step before even he does, her grandmother once said to her. Show weakness, and they will tear you apart where you stand.

These lessons she had listened to, but never truly managed to comprehend. There was nothing in the world she was more familiar with than being unsure, especially in conversation.

Daenerys did not react outwardly, however, just nodded. "That is regrettable, but it is no matter. It is true that you held Highgarden in the absence of your two brothers, is it not?"

Alysanne raised her head slightly at the mention of her brothers, trying to escape the Queen's gaze. Something hollow stung in her chest, the pain still undeniably there but softened by months of mourning. It felt as though someone was trying to cut her with a dull blade. Finally she forces out the words "Yes, Your Grace."

"And you were able to keep the Reach stable and secure during the realm's battle against the Dead?"

"I..." Briefly, Alysanne wondered whether this was a test, then scolded herself. Of course it was a test. Should she act humble? Proud? What would Daenerys like to hear?

The Queen did not give her the time to answer. "You are clearly as capable as any of your male predecessors, my Lady. Under your rule the Reach has continued to prosper even as the North was ravaged by war, and in this precarious situation it is someone like you who I need if I am to help my Kingdom recover. As such, I've decided to offer you the position of master of coin on my small council. You may be allowed to think on it, of course, and refuse if you wish, but know that it would please me greatly."

Whatever reason I might have guessed for my being here, I  never would I have thought of this, was all Alysanne could think. She stood dumbfounded, all eyes on her, for what might have been minutes and might be hours. It was so silent all she could hear was her own breathing.

"I... Your Grace..." was what she said when she finally found her voice again. Seriously, Aly?, she thought, desperately wanting to take the words back.

"It is an honour that you would even consider me for such an important station, Your Grace, but I am afraid I cannot accept." The words were on the tip of her tongue, just out of reach. But for some reason, she could not bring herself to actually say them.

Alysanne had never been much. Margaery was always the darling of the family, more beautiful, younger, better at playing the political games that had always eluded Alysanne. Overall more useful in furthering the Tyrell's interests.

But now Margaery was gone, and her Lord Father was gone, and all of her brothers were gone. And even though she might never be as beautiful or accomplished as Margaery, this was something she knew. Helping people. Feeding people. Numbers and plans and provisions. They hadn't always come naturally to her, but she'd invested enough time in them that they were a familiar challenge, if not a familiar comfort. And if the continent needed help, and its Queen thought that she was the person most likely to succeed in helping it, who was she to refuse?

At the very least that was what she told herself, as she stared up at the throne. Daenerys, looking satisfied with her answer, smiled at her and spoke a few short words of recognition. Her behaviour was as formal as before, yet in her violet eyes there seemed to be genuine happiness.

Immediately, the rest of the people in the room fell upon her, offering their congratulations, wishes of good fortune, confidence in her abilities. She accepted them all with a weak smile on her face, wishing to be anywhere else.

But still, which of their words were truthful and which were just barely veiled threats and insults, she dared not say, as she tried her best to acknowledge all of them so that she might be allowed to leave soon. Their names, titles, and prospects passed over her head as they introduced themselves, like a group of hungry vultures ready to strike at their prey.

All the while, the Queen sat above them on the Iron Throne, looking once again deeply in thought. Once, their eyes meet, and Alysanne briefly forgot how to breathe. The violet gaze was intense and focused, but there was something else too, softer and kinder.

Other people may always have been a mystery to Alysanne, but Daenerys Targaryen, a woman so strong yet so kind, so young yet so wise, coated in ice yet burning beneath the surface, might be the greatest mystery of them all.

And she was determined, however long the endeavor may take, to solve it.

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