Chapter 1

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I looked down at my red-stained hands. What had I done? Despite my horror, I started laughing uncontrollably. Surely by now, I was the very definition of crazy.


Present Day

I walked down the halls of my dream school, UA, and gazed in wonder at the clean glass windows and the expensive classroom doors and the sound of cla-... Wait, what? It was silent! I went to the door closest to me and saw it was class 1A. I peered inside and saw that the classroom was empty!

 I ran frantically to room 1B and saw that it was empty too! I walked down the hall to check the other rooms, but then the lights in front and behind me went out, one by one until the only light still on was the one about me, and even that light started flickering.

 I felt something close around my neck from behind, and when I turned around, I saw a weird-looking guy wearing black skinny jeans, a black sweatshirt, and a whole bunch of hands all over him, including one on his face. I could see little bits of curly silvery-blue hair poking out from behind the hand on his face.

 I tried to pull his hand off of me when I realized that he was keeping his index finger off of my next, but the more I struggled, the closer his finger got to my neck. I kept struggling, though, and made his finger touch my neck because I was curious about what would happen when it did. 

The moment his fingers joined together, I felt a stabbing pain and felt my skin and muscles in my neck decaying. I figured out that his quirk was something similar to a quirk I'd seen before called Dissolve, where, when you touch all five fingers to something, it would dissolve that object into water. I watched the man cackle like a madman as I slowly dissolved into a pile of dust.

I bolted upright in bed, breathing heavily and soaked with sweat. I looked at my All Might clock and saw that it was 1:30 in the morning. I groaned. I kept having these dreams every night and I didn't know why. I couldn't figure out who the hand-man was either, and that bugged me.

 I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As I was walking down the hallway, I stepped on the only squeaky floorboard in the entire house. Just my luck. I froze, trying to hold my breath as I listened for my mother. After a moment of complete silence, I decided she wasn't coming. I walked the rest of the way to the kitchen and got my cup of water, thinking. 

Why couldn't I shake these weird dreams? They kept waking me up very early in the morning and gave me bags under my eyes. And because of those bags, Kaachan bullied me even more, saying that I was just trying to make up for my weakness by studying all night long.

A/N I'm sorry for cutting this chapter here, I don't have very much time to write right now. Please tell me in the comments if you want long or short chapters.

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