Chapter 3

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     I closed my eyes and winced, hoping Kaachan would see and leave me alone.

"Don't think I don't know that face you're making is fake, Deku!!" God, I HATED that nickname! Kaachan stuck it on me the moment he realized it meant useless.

 Now, Kaachan just held his hand in the middle of my face and kept making explosions over and over again. Tears had started streaming down my face and I think Kaachan could hear the bell ringing because he dropped me and ran into the school, leaving me in the middle of the road.

 I struggled to get up, hoping a car didn't run me over. I eventually got up, grabbed my bike, set it against the school gate, and ran to class. Miraculously, I was only two minutes late to class.

 As I walked in, the teacher threatened me for the third time this week that if I was late again, I would get detention. I ignored him and walked to my seat. I laid my head on my desk and prayed my teacher would ignore me. He did.

 I tried my best to fall asleep but I couldn't That dream from this morning was haunting me still. I put my head up and in my hand while I pulled out my notebook and flipped to the very last page. I went from back to front in my notebook when taking notes on villains. I drew a crude picture of the handman and wrote down what I thought his quirk was. Something like "Decay" or "Disintegrate".


"Yeah, teacher?" I didn't know my teacher's name because I never paid attention in class.

"May I see your notes?"

"No, sir."

"And why not?" I drew a blank.

"Because they're his stupid hero notes." I could hear the smile in Kaachan's voice as he ratted me out for not paying attention.

"Okay, Bakugo. Midoriya, please put away your notes and take out your textbook. We are on page 200. You will read from here to the end of page 201."

"Yes, sir." I was so tired of this class. I just wanted to be done with this school. Just then, the bell rang, signaling lunch.

"You all will be doing this as homework, then."

The entire class groaned, including me. Now I would probably be staying up until about midnight tonight and probably have even darker bags under my eyes.


The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Everyone slowly walked to the door, as if trying to avoid doing their homework. I tried to join the pack heading out the door but I felt my collar holding me back. I stopped trying to walk forward and turned around. I saw Kaachan and it felt like I had shrunk 5 feet."H-h-hi K-Kaachan!" I tried to keep my voice down but I realized it didn't matter because everyone had already left and closed the door behind them.

"What the fuck do you mean hi?!?!" I winced.

"Do you really think you can be a fucking HERO?!?!?!?!?!"

"Y-y-ye- I m-mean NO!!"

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Kaachan's voice was low and menacing.

"N-n-no, Kaachan!"

"Stop fucking stuttering, you moron!"

"Y-yes, Kaachan!"

I could see Kaachan eying my notebook and I held it tightly to my chest with both arms. Bad move. Kaachan looked even angrier - if that was possible - and his hands started twitching, which was usually a sign that he was going to use his quirk. I closed my eyes and tried to even my breathing, but I felt my arms being ripped off of my chest. I ripped open my eyes and saw Kaachan burning my notebook. I was speechless as I felt tears coming to my eyes. Kaachan didn't have any mercy and had burnt the cover of my notebook already. I ran at Kaachan and tried to grab my notebook, but Kaachan pulled it out of my reach. I jumped and was able to slap it out of his hand, but he caught it with his other hand and threw my notebook out the window.

Villain Deku - MHA AUWhere stories live. Discover now