Scars (IRL Sanniuri/IRL Mikado Sannoji x Nikei Yomiuri)

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(Warnings: Mention of attempted murder, scars, body insecurity, self-blame, spoilers for chapters 4/0/6 of SDRA2!)

The two boyfriends walked together in the park, holding hands as the sun slowly went down. Nikei had visited there multiple times, but today was the day Mikado was discharged from the physical rehabilitation facility. After getting attacked and left for dead by Syobai, he was found by a branch of the Kisaragi Foundation who, without alerting Director Tsurugi Kinjo, moved Mikado into an emergency room of their version of a hospital to heal him.

The two had met when Nikei was put into the same hospital room as Mikado. Though the virtual world hadn't killed the participants of the killing game, it had caused them to have myriads of phantom pains as a result of the program being imperfect. When the two had introduced themselves to each other, Nikei initially was untrusting of Mikado, believing that he was the exact same as the Mikado that had stolen his leadership. But weeks of staying and talking with this one proved that he was very much different. So different that they somehow had gotten into a relationship.

Mikado didn't have much difficulty moving around, but he was on a bunch of different medication to help his damaged internal organs and blood loss. His wounds had healed over and had stopped hurting, but they were still very sensitive to touch. Nikei wore a black compression glove on his right hand to deal with the pain of his hand exploding in the simulation, but it wasn't hurting as much anymore. They both had to attend weekly therapy sessions as ordered by the Kisaragi Foundation, and they were given work to do in the Foundation's Information Division. But Nikei had enjoyed taking evening walks, and he could now take Mikado with him.

The two of them spotted a bench and walked towards it, sitting down close enough that their legs were touching each other's. They caught their breaths, looking at the sunset for a while in silence while still holding hands.

The journalist looked over at his boyfriend. "You haven't seen these in a while, have you?" He asked. When the hacker shook his head, he continued musing. "Well, now you can see these as much as you want with me."

Mikado chuckled warmly. "I'm looking forward to it, doll." He looked back at the sunset with a peaceful expression. "You know I'd do anything with you."

Nikei kept looking at him, the question lingering on the tip of his tongue. He had been meaning to ask this for a while, but never found the opportunity to do so. Finally he spoke. "Can you show me your scars?"

Mikado sprung away as if he'd been shocked with a panicked face. "What?! Absolutely not!" The hacker exclaimed, wrapping his hands around his body. "I mean, I know I said 'anything', but I can't show anybody!"

"Aw, but I wanna see them!" Nikei whined childishly. He then quickly changed his demeanour to a serious one. "I keep hearing all of these diagnoses from the doctors, but I don't even know the extent of what happened to you. I just wanna you to show me, just once. Then I'll never ask again."

Mikado leaned back to his place, his hands still wrapped around himself. "Well, um, I..." He sighed, looking downcast. "Listen, even I don't like looking at my body. You wouldn't like it either. It's just...these scars, they're a permanent reminder of how stupid I was."

"What do you mean?" Nikei asked. He was genuinely curious now. Nobody had ever told him how Mikado ended up wrapped up in all of this.

Mikado shook his head. "Creating that Alter Ego for Master Utsuro's sake, it all lead to a bunch of people getting hurt...not just me. It even hurt you. I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"Hey, the other Mikado being a bitch wasn't your fault. In fact, twenty bucks says it's Kokoro's." Nikei moved closer to the hacker and reached for his hands. "You didn't know, and you didn't mean any harm. After all, it wasn't you that planned to put us all into a killing game, right? Yeah, didn't think so." He grabbed Mikado's hands and pulled them away from his body. 

Mikado didn't bother resisting, instead trying to fight the guilt that was eating him up inside. Nikei placed the hacker's hands by his side and moved to undo the buttons on his shirt. Once the journalist fully unbuttoned his shirt, he pulled it open. Nikei's eyes widened as he saw the deep red scars that decorated Mikado's torso like a canvas. His expression morphed to one of pity as he reached towards one on his stomach, lightly dragging his finger across it.

Mikado stiffened and blushed, looking away from his boyfriend. "Ah... Please be gentle. Those are really sensitive."

"Are they now?" A smirk came onto Nikei's face, and he moved off the bench and got onto his knees on the ground. He gently tugged Mikado's legs so that he would be close enough to the edge while the hacker looked at him with wide eyes, trying to figure out what Nikei would do next. Luckily, he didn't have to wait to find out.

Nikei moved himself in between Mikado's legs and put his hands on the other's hips. Without any warning, the journalist moved his mouth onto one of the scars and pressed a kiss to it. He felt a jolt run through Mikado, and the hacker's breathing sped up. Happy with the result, he moved to another scar and kissed it too.

Out of all reactions Mikado had expected, he certainly wasn't expecting this. His face was flushed and he had raised one of his hands to his mouth in embarrassment. "N-Nikei, slow down..." He pleaded, but was completely ignored as the journalist continued kissing his scars, even moving up to his chest. As soon as he asked that, Nikei gave him a look of defiance before pressing his mouth to one of his scars once again, this time opening his mouth enough to let his tongue lightly trail down the scar. "Eep!" Mikado yelped. 

Nikei laughed to himself and moved back onto the bench, this time putting one hand on Mikado's shoulder. He knew that there were two scars on Mikado's neck, too high to be hidden with his shirt. One was on his right, on his throat, and the other was on his left, at the base of his neck. Nikei decided to target the latter scar, using his other hand to tilt Mikado's head away from covering it. He kissed it, pressing a bit longer than the others. Mikado only whimpered at the sensitivity, scrunching up his eyes and completely red in the face.

Then, Nikei opened his mouth and began lightly sucking on the spot. "Ah!" Mikado gasped, opening one of his eyes in surprise. The hacker could only gasp as the sensation continued. 

Finally, Nikei removed his face from his neck, looking at his flustered boyfriend. "Hm, I think I like your scars a lot more now. I mean, it's bad that you got them in the first place, but it shows that you took it and survived. Don't you think that's something to be proud of?"

Mikado tried to form words, but they only came out as flustered squeaks. He answered Nikei's question with a nod before burying his face in his hands. Nikei laughed and grabbed his arm, pulling him off the bench before doing up his shirt. Public indecency was the last thing they wanted to be caught for right now. The duo began walking along the path again to get home, the sunset continuing to light their way.

Art credit: 97yel on instagram

(Lowkey based this story on this: on the left)

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