Watching (Sorabai/Sora x Syobai Hashimoto)

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(This is a continuation of the last drabble, but reading it is not required!)

The Hope's Peak winter ball finally arrived, and plenty of couples had dressed up in fancy clothes and brought their lover to go dancing with them. They waltzed to sweet songs of love while the media ate up every bit of it, constantly training their cameras on them to get some heavenly photos.

Syobai stayed in the corner, never really caring for formal events. He came only for the free food and drinks, not bothering to bring a partner with him. He watched the dancers twirl by him, apathetic to all but each other.

Sora had come without a partner as well, but only because she was in charge of setting up the tables and supplies. Just as she finished setting up the final table, she spotted Syobai out of the corner of her eye, eating bruschetta all alone. She walked over to him nonchalantly. "Hey, Trashimoto. Did you not bring a partner?" She called.

Syobai scoffed. "What's the point? It's not mandatory."

"It doesn't look good on you to be a sad, lonely little man at a giant ball." Sora stopped right in front of him, looking around. "How about you join me in a dance?"

"Hell no. I'm fine with just watching."

Sora ignored him and grabbed his arm, tugging him onto the ballroom floor. "Come on, Trashimoto! Live a little!" She laughed.

Syobai grumbled before finally complying and letting Sora bring him elsewhere. "Fine, Jesus. You're persistent, aren't you?" He chuckled resignedly. 

"I didn't start talking to you because of nothing." Sora replied, finally bringing him to a space that wasn't surrounded by dancers. Nearby, Setsuka and Hibiki danced together and Sora could've sworn she saw Kanade spying on them from under a table.

"So, here?" Syobai got in his position, preparing to lead the dance. Sora smiled and held onto him, in the position to follow his lead. It was a miracle that he even agreed to dance with her, so she figured that she should let him lead the dance.

Kanade finally noticed that Sora and Syobai had begun waltzing beside her sister and the billiards player. The guitarist put a hand over her mouth, hiding her snickers. Syobai didn't look like he was enjoying the dance at all while Sora moved in a rhythm that suggested that she was having the time of her life. Well, that was typical of those two; Sora was the only one that willingly talked to Syobai. 

Turning her eyes from the newcomers, she resumed her spying on Hibiki and Setsuka.

Art credit: nio1209 on twitter

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