Chapter 28

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**         In that half-conscious state I was in, I coud feel my head get heavier, a warm liquid was dripping on the left side of my brow. I could hear a voice. It seemed far off, as if muffled, or coming out of a cave. Suddenly water crashed on my face feeling like a cold explosion. I opened my eyes and cried with surprise. I shook my head to get rid of the water.

"Sorry, but you've slept for too long. I'm not patient."

I was seated on a chair in the middle of Sophie's living room, my hands and feet tied. Henri was casually sitting in front of me, his pocketknife in hand, a dripping bowl in the other. He dropped the container, indifferent to it breaking into pieces. I instinctively started to try to free my hands in my back.

"Stop it now, or I'll cut your sister in slices."

I froze and looked at him in the eye. Anger was rising in me, slowly, threatening.

"We don't have much time." He said getting to his feet. "So I'll make it simple: either you tell me right now what your dear daddy was up to, or I go after your sister, and then your mutt and finally dear old Sophie."

I clenched my teeth. My anger had swollen in an instant and started to burn my insides.

"I won't tell you a thing, you bastard!"

He rushed to me and punched me in the face. I spat blood.

"I won't ask again! Talk!"

He was screaming to my ears. Anger rose a bit more and suddenly, an internal rip resounded down to my toes.

Oh non! Not again!

I bent double to dull the pain. I felt bad, very bad... If the turn started in front of him... We were done. Worse! I could kill him! Henri grabbed my chin and straightened me up making pain explode in my wounded jaw and the rest of my body which was starting its turn.

"Last chance." He spat, agitating his knife under my nose.

He firmly held my face near his, swollen and red with anger. He was right, patience was not his strong suit. I put all of my strength in slowing down the transformation, yet knowing I would not hold very long, I could already feel my bones cracking. More slowly than during the previous turns, but still cracking. It only made it more painful.

Henri straightened up one more time, out of patience and armed his fist, but was stopped by a rattling sound before he could hit me. Slowly, he turned, Sophie was right behind him, a rifle pointed at him.

For an eternity, they looked at each other scornfully in silence. I had bent double again and followed the scene out of the corner of my eye, grinding my teeth with pain.

Henri broke the silence.

"Well well, Sophie! We were not expecting you before noon!" He said looking at his watch.

"Drop your knife and get away from Arthur."

She stood steady and aimed at her target with dexterity. Frowning, she patiently waited.

"Ho ho." Henri sniggered. "Come on Sophie! You very well know him and his father..."

"You entered my home and hit my guest, you're not in position to say anything, so now leave this house or I won't hesitate to shoot your butt!"

Henri slowly put his hands in the air.

"Come on, now! I..."


Sophie had just shot in the ceiling. Pieces fell to the floor.

"You just shot the ceiling."

"The ceiling will get over it!" Sophie replied abruptly. "Get the hell out."

Henri dropped his knife and went around Sophie who kept her rifle on him the whole time. Before he went through the door, he looked over his shoulder and said: "We'll meet again, Arthur!" Then, he gave Sophie a nasty look before adding: "I consider you on their side now. You're my enemy." Then, he slammed the door and left the premises.

Sophie dropped her rifle which bounced on the floor giving out a metallic sound. She leaned onto the wall, her skin turning white in an instant. She exhaled heavily through her mouth to pull herself together before striding to me. Still bending double, I told her not to come any closer. She froze. The pain had considerably dulled, but it remained dangerous. I would not risk to harm her. I inhaled and exhaled with difficulty several times, then the pain finally went away. Sophie looked at me without protesting and waited for me to allow her to come near me. Her long and agile fingers freed my feet, then my hands. As I was rubbing my wrists the cord had irritated, we heard three hasty knocks. Sophie and I froze for we feared it was Henri. Then, Sophie got up to take a look. She grabbed her rifle on her way. She laid her hand on the handle and hesitated. Then, a nasal voice time had made hoarse spoke on the other side of the door.

"Sophie! Sophie! Is everything alright? I heard big "booms"!"

Relieved, Sophie put her rifle down on the closest piece of furniture and opened the door. An old lady appeared on the threshold, clearly worried.

"Everyting's alright Mrs. Anastasia! I saw a rat and I shot it, nothing more."

The old lady blinked, stunned.

"You hunt rats with a rifle?"

She stared at Sophie who nodded frantically.


The woman's gaze found me.

"My godness! What happened to that boy? He is bleeding everywhere!"

Sophie stammered as she looked for an answer.

"I fell down the stairs!" I said getting to my feet to look fine, holding from pulling a face out of pain.

The old lady looked at me, surveying my face.

"You need to be careful young man! You could have broke a bone!"

I nodded.

"Merci for passing by Mrs. Anastasia! Au revoir!"

"Mademoiselle Soph..."

Sophie closed the door and sighed. Then, she took my face between her hands and examined my left brow bone and my jaw.

"Go sit down." She said. "I'll go get something to take care of you."

"Wait!" Agate and Ul!" I exclaimed.

With Sophie's intervention and the arrival of the neighbour, I had completely forgotten about the two other members of my family. I wheeled so fast that my head spun and black spots obscured my sight, nonetheless I did not stop, strode upstairs and entered like a mad man in the small room. Ul growled at me before he recognised me and greeted me. As I suspected, Henri probably had tried to get Agate. Sophie had skittered after me, raising her long skirt with one hand.

"Agate!!" I called.

No answer.


I threw myself to the floor and checked under the bed. She was there, shaking and crying, but she seemed safe and sound. Relief filled me and I stretched my hand, inviting her to get out of her hideout but she curled up a bit more. I had forgotten how I looked at that moment. My face was covered with blood. Sure I was her brother, but I still looked scary for a child in that moment. I got up and asked Sophie to get her out. She kneeled by the bed and called Agate kindly, who, terrorised, refused to come out for several minutes. When she finally got out, Sophie rocked her in arms until her tears stopped running. Seated on the bed, I observed the scene, relieved they had not been harmed. Ul had come to sit against my legs, his way to tell me he felt safe again, I rubbed his head with affection, my way of thanking him for protecting my sister.


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