Blue Moon Pt 2

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Blue kept running. He wanted to get as far away as possible. He didn't care how lost he was, he just wanted to get away. Blue was only partly aware that the werewolf was following him. If he could just stay alive until sunrise, he would be fine. But that's harder than it sounds. Hiding wasn't an option, unless that hiding spot was entirely impossible for the werewolf to get to. Though finding somewhere like that is next to impossible. The boy's breathing became ragged and his pace slowed. He had been running for too long. It was late and he hadn't brought food or water. 

Blue kept moving forward, but his pursuer was gaining. He looked up and saw the full moon still shining down on the forest. The silver light was peaking through the trees and lighting any ground that wasn't covered. Blue was both thankful and totally angry at the bright celestial body. It did show him where he was and where he was running, but it was also the reason he was getting chased. Werewolves, something that most people thought was nearly extinct, were much more common than most people knew. Most werewolves had a safe space they went to when they transformed. Not this one apparently. Blue, still someone distracted, tripped and fell. His ankle sent a shock of pain through his body. The small human tried to get up but his ankle hurt too much. Tears made their way down the boy's cheeks. 

Blue limped over to a hollow tree and sat, tense and fearful, in the dead tree. The werewolf kept walking past the tree. Blue stared in confusion as the werewolf curled up by the tree and rested. Was it waiting for him to leave? Why not just get him now? Blue's questions lulled him into a restless sleep.

When the boy woke up he was covered in a hoodie. Blue peeked out of the tree and saw a boy maybe a year or two older than him leaning against the tree. No werewolf in sight. Well, of course not. It was dawn, the sun had started rising. Had this boy been the wolf that had chased him last night? Blue looked at the boy. He had messy dark brown hair, a torn red scarf, and faded scars covering his arms. The scars were too messy to be self-made. That gave Blue a bit of peace when he saw them. Blue slipped into the jacket and snuggled into it. The morning was chilly and Blue hadn't prepared to spend the night outside in a tree. Blue nudged the sleeping boy.

"Wh-wha?" The boy opened his eyes, a small bit of confusion was on his face. "Huh? Oh. Good morning kid." He had heterochromia. One eye was a brown that in the right light looked almost red. The other was that same brown with a blue. Blue marveled at his eyes for a second too long. "Think they're weird?" The boy asked with a hint of humor.

"O-Oh! Not at all, they're quite pretty..." Blue's face flushed red. "You, you were the werewolf, right?" The boy looked down but nodded. "Ah, um, thank you for the jacket." The boy looked back up.

"Sure, anytime. The name's Dust." 

"Blue...Do you know how to get to the neighborhood? I got lost last night" Blue asked sheepishly. Dust stood up. He motioned for Blue to follow and walked into the maze of trees. Blue scrambled up and followed.

"Why was that deer chasing you?" Dust asked as he continued through the seemingly endless amount of trees.

"You remember that... I don't know?!" Blue sounded distressed. "I was just watching it and then it came after me!" Dust chuckled. "It's not funny!"

"Not saying it is, but I wouldn't trust the deer in this forest, they all act weird, especially two in particular. I'm guessing you came across the more aggressive of the two. Poor you, Berry." Blue huffed.

"My name isn't Berry." Dust looked back and smirked.

"Of course not, Berry." Blue crossed his arms and continued following the werewolf boy. The two remained silent for the most part. Until they saw civilization again. Blue took off running in front of Dust and only turned back to usher him towards the town. 

"C'mon Dust!" The boy shook his head.

"That's alright Berry. People like me don't belong in towns or cities. I belong here." Blue looked down only for a bit before looking back up. Dust had vanished. Blue glanced around before heading home.

"He's a cute kid," Dust said to himself as he traversed the forest. He came across a broken-down house and entered. Dust smiled and sunk into the ripped up couch.

"You've been gone all night Blue!" Pap had been frantic about the disappearance of Blue. "Where did you even get that jacket?" 

"What do you mean-" Blue saw he still had Dust's jacket. He snuggled into it and ignored his brother's rant.

Yay! I got it out! Feliz Dia de los Muertos! I hope you guys liked this! Maybe I'll continue it next year as another Halloween one-shot. Dust is also a human, that's cool. I heavily considered the werewolves to be like that of the Webtoon Lumine. You know, just humans that turn into wolves...It would work with Dust's character I've built in this story so far, but I like to experiment. I'll be making some more chapters before Christmas, hopefully. Can you believe this book is almost a year old? Should I do something for its birthday or is that too much? I made it Nov 7th of last year and honestly I think it's done great! Let me know what y'all think.


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