The Bloody Truth

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He stood in front of me with an evil grin that sent chills down my spine. He lowers his gun and sets it in front of me.

Just out of my reach.

He crouches down and whispers in my ear,

"Catch me if you can."

I turn to raise my head to look at him slowly stand up as a jolt of pain shoots through every part of me.

I clench the spot where the bullet has pierced my skin.


I clench harder.

I think I'm screaming.

But I can hear nothing.

He gets on his knees and tilts my chin up. He wants me to see that fake sympathetic smile plastered on his face.

Pain. More pain.

Just. Fucking. Perfect.

"Where is he now Isabelle?", the fake smile dies and now he is left with a face full of pain and anger. "Where is he now!" I winced at the booming sound of his voice. His bloody face only inches from mine.

He tilts my head to the right exposing my pale white neck.

"I'm sorry Isabelle. You forced me."

There's yelling In the background. But it's fading. I have to strain to hear it

"Asher! Don't fucking touch her! Asher!" But his threats are lost as the darkness slowly consumes my senses.

But before I'm lost in deaths grasp, I feel something pierce my skin.

And then the struggle was over.


I wake up gasping for air. I'm

sweating. The covers feel like they are full of dirt as I pull them off of me. I look at the clock.


"Dammit! I'm going to be late!" I wash my face, throw on a sweatshirt and some pants and run down the stairs.

"Breakfast?" my dad asks holding up a pan of bacon. I take a piece or two. Or three. I really like bacon.

"Thanks dad!" I yell. But I was already outside. Kim was waiting for my in her bright red Mercedes that used to .be her moms.

"Where were you? You hoe?" She says as I slam the car door shut. I look up to see her painting her nails with some bright pink nail polish that would normally make me wanna throw up.

"Really, 'you hoe'?" I swear everyday you just get more and more creative." I said to her as she rolls her eyes. Kim has been my best friend since third grade. Her short auburn hair and green eyes looked beautiful with her olive skin.

"What can I say? I'm a creative machine." She said with a fake toss of her hair. I Laughed. Compared to her, I was nothing. My long blonde hair was plain. I never curled it, and god knows I didn't need to flat iron it. It was pin strait all on its own. And my skin was pale, but that made my blue eyes stand out even more than they did already.

Kim wore beautiful vintage dresses were as I stuck with skinny jeans and a sweatshirt.

She really was the image of perfection. And me. Well, I looked like the poor, sad, hopeless soul she decided to take under her wing.

"Guess what!" She says after we pull into the school parking lot.

"What?!" I say, mimicking her excitement.

"I feel like the definition of 'guess' is completely lost in you.", she teased. "But in all seriousness! Guess what happened!"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. What happened?"

"Do you remember that guy from the coffee shop?" She asked as we walked on campus.

I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Again? Haven't we gone through this? He smiled at you. It doesn't always mean he wants to date you. He was probably just being nice."

"Well then, if you don't want to hear the end of my story that's fine." She crossed her arms and began to walk ahead of me.

"Kim we have first period together-" but my words lost as the late bell rang making me, what would just so happen to be, late. "Shit!" I yelled as I hurried to get to class.


"Isabelle, Isabelle, Isabelle." Said Mr. Sage with a shake of his head. "Why were you late this time?" Mr. Sage was my history teacher. Has been since sophomore year. I failed his class the first time so I got the privilege of taking it again.

"Just woke up late, sir." I said in an irritated voice, and dismissed it with wave if my hand. I walked over to my seat in the back of the middle of the class. I was pretty sure he seated me here just so that he could make sure I wasn't texting or listening to music or any of that stupid shit, but the only thing it accomplished was that fact that he was able to look over at me during a lesson and do that awkward "teacher-to-student" eye contact thing.

"Next time it will be a detention." He said as he walked back to his desk.

"Story of my life." I mumbled and began playing with my pencil.

"Ok class, listen up. as some of you may have noticed, we have a new student with us." said Mr. Sage, with way to much fake excitment. I shot Kim a look, which she ignored. New student? I didn't notice anyone when i walked in. "Would you please stand up and introduce yourself ?" He motioned to the back of the room were the new student was. I turned around just as he stood up. the first thing I noticed were his eyes. the color of the sky. Right before the hurricane. He looked down at the floor, but it didn't matter. I could still see his eyes. Like they were printed in the back of my brain.

"No." I say on a small whisper to myself. This isn't possible. It can't be the same person.

"Asher." He looked up. His eyes meeting mine.

"Asher Ryse."

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