17. Jade

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The puck drops and the centerman of the Islanders wins the faceoff and passed it towards one of their defensemen. I'm so nervous right now! I have never been on a hockey game feeling so damn nervous like this. The nerves I felt during their first game few days ago became worst today knowing that this is the last game of the series if the Islanders does win.

Pastrnak tried to snap a score but gets blocked by the goalie and that earned a loud oh of disappointment from the crowd. Especially from the two men next to me, my Dad and Uncle Bennie.

To be honest, I feel so stupid out here.

I'm literally wearing a Bruins jersey right here because I promised to cheer on each team alternately. Yet, I am secretly rooting for my boyfriend's team. I know he hates about me cheering for other teams and players aside from him, but after our dinner Mat didn't reacted about it at all. Or maybe he chose not to because we're talking about family team out here. Besides, we haven't seen each other since the dinner because of his practice.

Eight minutes on the clock, Mat is chasing the puck from the opposing team. He's way too fast, I'm even having a hard time in keeping my gaze on him. Mat was able to snatch the puck from the other team running towards the other side, he made a saucer pass to Eberle and they shoot a beautiful score.

I wasn't able to help myself but to jump on my feet as I clap my hands.

"You might want to remove the jersey you're wearing miss?" My Uncle Bennie called and then it just dawned to me how the people around me looking at me weird.

"Oh shit! That was awkward." I said giggling as I settle back on my chair. "Oh my god I really need to remove this jersey Dad. I have to root for Mat tonight."

Both of them chuckled.

"You're a disgrace to the family!" Uncle Bennie called smirking.

"Just like your own daughter!" My mom barked back and three of my folks were chuckling.

"That was a good assist, by the way!" Dad commented which earned a wide smile from me.

He didn't talk about Mat that much after the dinner but I can really tell that he likes him. During the dinner I can see the awe on his eyes in there as he listens to my boyfriend answering their questions. On every game, as Mat was warming up and says Hi to us right before he disappears to the tunnel. Both my Dad and Mom nodded at him looking so honored and I couldn't help but feel even more happier than ever.

The second period commences with a 4-3 score in favor of the Islanders. Honestly, the New England weather and the arena all in all is totally cold but I couldn't help but perspire as I lock my gaze on Mat.

He looks so hypnotizing on the ice, he's already tall but with skates on?

He's huge.

The next shift of him facing against my favorite Bruins player Pastrnak was intense that I couldn't help but hold unto my mom's arms seeing how the two of them smashing each other's sticks just to get the puck.
Pastrnak managed to steal it and jammed a shot the score is tied down sending the whole crowd into a loud roar causes the whole TD Garden to shake.

Both of my Dad and Uncle shouted mocking me. Honestly, I should feel sad or anything but watching this game was different as hell.

This is a do or die game, I am nervous as fuck but I'm totally having a blast at the same time.


Bruins asses got handed to them.

Islanders crashed the home team sending everyone on the arena with complete dismay, except for my family though. My folks were so impressed with the Islanders tonight, especially with Anders who's definitely the hero of tonight's game.

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