Young love

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As a cold breeze hit his face, a smile crept up onto Renjun's face. He loved it. He loved the wind. He loved watching the leaves fall down.

The man started walking as he held onto the flowers, tightly, as if his life depends on it. Making his way to the park, he saw kids running around, laughing loudly. It reminded him of his own daughter. Huang Jaeni.

Apart from the kids running around, he spotted a bench nearby and sat down. He was growing older as time passed. Thinking of his teenage days, when he was still in Korea. He left 3 years ago, at the age of 27, and got married to a girl whom he thought he loved.

Nearby where he was sitting, was a small dancing area. Couples would go and dance to slow songs. It was where he went once.

Oh, young love is such a cruel thing...❞ the lyrics started.

Those words, those exact same words him and his ex lover danced to. So much memories came back. Memories from 12 years ago, when he was 18 and in love.


Yeah, it started back when he was 18 years old. He had recently moved to Korea since his parents thought he was finally old enough to make his own choices so he thought of moving there.

It was easy for him to adjust since his ancestors was Korean, or something like that. And, of course, he knew a little bit of the language.

He rented an apartment and stayed there. His parents would send him money, every now and then.

On his first day of school, so many guys and gals approached him, asking to be friends. Renjun, being the introvert that he is, pushed everyone away. He wanted to focus on his studies and nothing else.

There was one person who caught his eyes though. Na jaemin. He was pretty and handsome at the same time. It felt so unreal that someone as goodlooking as him could exist. But his only flaw was that; he was friends with the annoying boy named Donghyuck.

He kept following Renjun everywhere and begged him to be friends. Mark, a sophomore in college, was embarrassed of his actions but managed to keep up with it. Renjun did not know how he did that. Anyone would have punched Donghyuck in the face by now.

In the end, the Chinese boy gave up.

Not too long after, the boy introduced Renjun to everyone in his friend group. Mark Lee; a canadian, Lee Jeno, Zhong Chenle; another Chinese, Park Jisung, and Na Jaemin- the first boy to ever catch Renjun's eyes.

Hello! We're Donghyuck's friends❞ they all greeted. All except the pink haired boy. Renjun didn't mind him though, maybe he was also an introvert and hated meeting new people. ❝Hello, I'm Huang Renjun. A new student. I hope we can all be friends❞ the boy replied with a smile, melting all their hearts.

Yes, they were all whipped for him. And by 'all', I mean all. Even Jaemin.

Months passed and the 7 of them grew closer. Especially Renjun and the one he now calls 'Nana'. The two were rather inseperable. They had such good chemistry and the others could see. They could see how everytime they talked, they were in their own world. Jaemin's eyes would sparkle and Renjun would blush. But the two wouldn't notice.

It's what happens when you're in love.

Injun-ah❞ Jaemin called out. ❝Hm?❞ the older hummed in response. They were walking along the sidewalk of a not-so-popular park. But it was really pretty. The theme was light colored. It was pink, and to Renjun, pink was very pretty. It reminded him of the younger's hair. ❝Let's go dance over there❞ Jaemin pointed to a little dancing area. ❝What? I can't dance❞. ❝It's fine, just follow my steps❞. ❝Jaem, that's only for couples❞ Renjun laughed. His voice sounding so beautiful in the other's ears. ❝It's fine, come on❞.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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