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Beside me was Freya who was on the phone with a sobbing Talia. Simon's disappearance left her wondering what she did wrong and why he didn't confide in her. Freya reminds her that his scars ran deeper than the surface.

After receiving this letter from JJ's flat, there was one day. One single day until Harry is possibly gone forever. When I first heard that Harry had gone missing, I like everyone else, had assumed the worst. But even then I refused to accept death as an answer. And when the letter came I nearly dropped to my knees and thanked God for mercy.

The boys called before going to bed tonight. Ethan told me that Harry's family was a wreck and being back in Harry's old house was doing things to all of them. They had rented a boat that would take them to the island.

When I wake up tomorrow, I though. Harry could be dead.

I shivered and Freya placed a warm hand on my thigh. She looked ready to lose it, trying to comfort me and Talia all at once looked draining. And yet, she still pulled me close and let me lay my head on her chest while she rubbed my back.

It's as if she could hear the doubt swarming my head like pesky flies.

I passed on the letter to Vik who then shared it with Cal and Tobi. They were dealing with their own doubts but I couldn't bare to be there and watch as three paper men crumble. "Tomorrow's his last day, Frey." I whisper.

She places a soft kiss on the top of my head. I've never felt more helpless. Simon, JJ, Cal, and Ethan were all risking their lives to bring home Harry while I remained in the safety of my flat, in the arms of the one I love most.

"They'll get him, Josh. I know they will." I let her words lull me to sleep even though I knew they were nothing but beautiful lies.

Because Harry was gone. And I doubt he's coming back.

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