One Crazy Idea

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Caribbean Seas, 1708. Piracy runs rampant. Sailing through the open sea, every captain manifests the fear of attack. Cannons firing, pistols shooting, swords ringing. Plundered cargo, and the riches it would bring the scoundrels who attacked. These thoughts plagued those back at home. Who would ever want to live such a life? 

"Just imagine it! Me! At the helm of my own ship! My own crew! We'd be the greatest sailors who ever lived!" Luz exclaimed, her fantasies overtaking her. 

"Mija, you we couldn't even afford to buy a dingy. What makes you think we'll ever get our own ship?" Luz's mother, Camila replied pessimistically. 

The bright expression on Luz's face did not deter; the words only seemed to encourage her.

"That's the thing! Who says we have to buy one?" Luz suggested, sounding a little nervous as she said the words.

Camila's eyes widened with horror; never in her lifetime did she think her daughters fantasy would go that far.

"Mija! How could you even suggest that?! The second you go near a royal ship, they would kill you!" 

"And you think this won't either?!" Luz argued, seriousness now in her voice.

The Noceda's had a rather poor history. Luz's grandfather, a failed tavern owner, had ruined any chance of a bright future for Camila and Luz. He had left them so much debt, they were near penniless by the time it was paid off. Left with nothing but ragged clothes, and a run down shack they called home, it was doubtful things would get any better.

"We can hardly afford food, haven't had new clothes in years, and the walls of this house could fall down at any second! We can't just keep living with this! Getting a ship- it would be a new chance!" Luz argued with passion.

A better life, and a little excitement. That's all the girl wanted.

"And if you're crazy idea fails? Are you really willing to die over something as terrible as piracy?" 

"If it meant something better than this: of course I would! We could join up with a crew, make more money than we could ever imagine! Buy a real house, real clothes! Doesn't it sound great?" Luz argued desperately.

Camila couldn't help but admire Luz's determination. It was a nice thought, she wouldn't deny it. But Camila, well she was nothing more than a mother who hardly left her own home. Some pirate she would be. And Luz, as energetic as she was, she'd never even held a sword. They'd both die on their first raid.

Camila hesitated for a moment, then spoke,

"Mija... I'm sorry, but as nice as it sounds, you know we would either be caught, or killed as soon as we tried to raid a ship. Our conditions may be terrible, but this isn't the way to fix them."

"But we've never even-"

"And I don't want to try. Can you please promise me you'll drop this pirate idea of yours? We'll find another way out of this." Camila asked with the kindest voice she could use.

Luz felt her throat tensing up, even some tears forming.

"Yes mami." Luz said reluctantly. 

Camila smiled.

"Thank you sweetie."

"... Can I go out for a walk? I think I need some fresh air." Luz asked, her face red and eyes slightly watery.

"Of course, just make sure you're back before nighttime. You know how it can be."

"Thank you." Luz muttered as she rushed out of the near collapsing shack.

The streets of Port Royal weren't a very good place to calm down, but anything was better than being with her mother.  Carriages rushed by her, merchantmen carried crates of sugar, and drunken sailors sang shanties from the local tavern. 

Luz could see the town's dock from her home, and glorious ships that were stationed there. From small schooners, to a galleon, it was a sailors paradise. 

Luz just couldn't help but get a closer look at those fine ships. She hastily rushed through the busy streets, dodging any townsfolk in her way, before reaching the docks in a few short minutes.

 Luz admired the vessels from up close, daydreaming of owning them all. Being so close to a ship was like heaven, but the cruel reminder she would never sail it was no better than torture. Luz suddenly felt glum. She was just making herself feel worse by being here, wasn't she? 

Luz glumly walked further down the docks. 

"Might as well see the last few then head back." Luz said to herself.

She gazed upon a frigate, then a schooner, then, just as Luz thought she had seen everything, her eyes widened with excitement.

Ahead of her was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen: an unguarded sailboat.

Luz ran towards the boat, her eyes shimmering with excitement.

"A boat! Yes! A boat! It's not a ship, but this is better! I can sail it myself, and..."

The realization hit Luz.

The boat was a one seater. 

Luz's excitement was already gone. 

"I can't just leave her, can I? She did say she didn't want anything to do with piracy, but abandoning her?"

What kind of daughter would she be, just leaving her poor mother like that? 

But what kind f daughter would she be if she let this opportunity pass?

"If I can steal this boat, I can sail to Nassau, or Tortuga, and join a real crew. The second I have money, I can come back and get her and show her how great pirating is! Yes! Luz, you could run countries with your genius."

After a moment of self praise, Luz turned towards the direction of her home.

"I'm sorry mami. I'll be back as soon as I can be."

Luz turned back to the boat and jumped right into it.

"Alright! So, first things first, douse the sail!" 

Luz quickly untied the rigging that held the sail up.

"Next: secure the sail!"

Luz grabbed the rigging that dangled off the edge of the sail, then tied it down as snugly as she could. A moment later, the wind picked up, and the boat began to move forward.

Luz smiled with victory,

"Ha ha, yes! Now for the third and final step: take control of the rudder!"

Luz gripped the handle at the end of the boat, and turned it slightly to the left. The boat obeyed this command, and turned with the rudder. 

Luz navigated her way through the cluster of larger ships, weaving through galleons and schooners. In a moment, she was out of the cluster, and ahead of her was the open sea. 

Luz turned back one last time, and gave one last look. 

She'd come back one day.

With her own ship.

And her own fortune.

Luz looked ahead, and smiled brightly.

"Nassau, here I come!"

Pirates, Royals, and Lovers (Owl House Pirate AU)Where stories live. Discover now