Chapter Five

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            “Yes, mum, I remember.” I answered with a sigh.

            I let go of my phone with my hands and place it between my right shoulder and ear so I can grab my half-eaten sandwich and take a bite out of it. My mum just kept going on and on about her day and what has been happening back in Ireland while I sat on a super comfy sofa whilst I waited for the boys to finish doing an interview. Eleanor was right beside me; her long, wavy hair was sprawled on my left shoulder as she texted away in her phone.

            “Tell Maura I said hello back.” I replied.

Apparently Maura, Niall’s mum, was with my own mother and she wanted to say hello. While we had a simple, small conversation, I couldn’t help but feel sort of embarrassed and paranoid. If she knew about what was happening between Niall and I, things would be very awkward and plain weird. It didn’t help that our mums have always wanted Niall and I to just end up together, get married, have lots of children and live happily ever after. When we were little and they would talk about it in our presence, Niall and I would make a disgusted face to show our disinterest in the topic. Now that we’re older and I have discovered these feelings for him, I’m on their side. Sadly, I know it’s never going to come true, but I can’t help and wish.

            “Sweetheart, are you there?” The voice on the other side of the phone said. I quickly brushed away my thoughts to pay attention back to my mother.

            “Yep, it’s just that I have to go, the boys are coming out soon.” I lied. The boys we’re still in the interview but I was not in the mood to chat anymore.

            “Alright sweet cakes, call me soon. I miss you.” She says.

            “Miss you too!” I reply before I hang up the phone.

            “Does she know?” Eleanor asks. She stands up from my shoulder to look at me in the eyes.

            “No. Either that will make her extremely happy or she’ll be really mad. I don’t want to risk either.” I say.

            After Eleanor had come back for some days of the tour, I couldn’t help but tell her what was happening. She was the only girl best friend I had and I really needed her advice. Of course being the friend she is, her only comment was telling me to follow my heart. Sadly, it’s not that easy, but I just took it anyway. I knew most of the people here wouldn’t understand what I’m going through, especially since it’s a different situation that people don’t really know how to interpret.


            Deciding that we were bored, Eleanor and I walked over to the room where the boys were being interviewed. When we got there, the interviewer had just asked the boys if they were single. Of course two of five hands were raised and my heart did a small flip when the hand of the Irish boy did not go up. Oh how I wished that one day his hand would go up in the air and I would know that it was meant for me.

            Sadly, today was not that day.

            When the interview was finally done and over with, the boys came back into the same room Eleanor and I were in earlier to prepare for the song they were going to sing at the same TV show. As the door opened, the first person to walk through was Niall. At first I did not pay much attention since I was looking through my mentions in Twitter until I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me up. I was about to protest and punch whoever moved me from my comfortable spot but I when I turned around to see whom the person was, my cheeks blushed. Niall had set me on his lap while he sat on the same spot I was in. His arms went protectively around my waist and pushed me even further into his chest. I couldn’t help but smile and feel all giggly inside. Whenever he did stuff like that I didn’t know if I should be happy or angry that he was sending mixed signals but I always ended up just letting it happen.

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