Chapter 1: Welcome to hell

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" head" A soft voice groaned out, two slim arms pushing the male's body up as a stinging pain was felt near the neck. Two bright e/c eyes opened widely taking in the blood-red sky, "where am I..." m/n whispered letting his eyes adjust before seeing a broken down city in front of him. "Is this another dream? Or an apocalypse?" The Male questioned before he was hit with another wave of pain. 'How did I get here...and why can't I remember anything?!' M/n asked himself not being able to remember anything about himself or his life other than his name.

M/n quickly stood only to feel a breeze run past him as he realised not only was he butt naked but also was covered with wool and hooves for feet?! "Where am I for a Christ sake!" He then quickly hid in a bush just in case people were nearby. 'Okay okay, let's get some clothes first so I can find some answers' m/n told himself although he wanted to freak out, he knew there was no time for that. M/n stood up apart of the bush covering his privates as he made his way into the city.

'I obviously won't be able to afford clothes...maybe there's some in the trash' M/n thought while quickly making his way into an alleyway and digging through the dumpster. It was unhygienic but what other option did the male have, eventually after a few hours of sprawling around he finally found something "...well it'll cover-up at least" M/n mumbled putting on the two pairs of shoes that were falling apart on along with some blank shorts and a long grey shirt, which previously would've been white.

M/n quickly walked over to a nearby building mirror looking at himself only to see what he'd truly become, in the reflection stood a thin looking humanoid lamb. Two swirled up horns ran from his ears as he was covered in dirty white wool, a whitetail poking out of his shirt as m/n looked at the reflection in disgust. "I look hideous!!" He cried out while covering his face, the demon, however, looked quite stunning. M/n's body was shaped in a way which brought attention to the thin waist while the wool added some volume to his chest, his silky h/c hair was still there now slightly longer, enough to be put in a small ponytail and his eyes resembled those of a cute baby lamb, his black pupils being extremely wide yet some of the bright e/c iris could still be seen. However, m/n hated these changes they looked disgusting to him.

The male then wondered why he was a lamb from all creatures, those creatures represented purity and innocence yet he seemed to be in such a run-down city. "I need help!" M/n said out loud before getting up and running off to find anyone nearby. It seemed like he'd been running for hours but not a single soul was found and by then the demon was tired " I alone here" he asked himself until finally a ray of hope sparked inside of him. Across the street seemed to be some sort of butchers shop a strong male figure could be seen from where m/n was.

A wave of relief washed over him as m/n made his way inside, the butcher's shop seeming normal although extremely quiet. "Excuse me, sir, could you tell me where I am," m/n asked standing at the counter as the figure had his back turned against. "Well, lamb chops your in hell!" The butcher said before turning around to reveal himself to be a hog, m/n jumped back eyes widened in horror as swiftly turned around to make a run for it. "OW! Let go!" M/n screamed once he felt the hog grab him by the horns "come here you little bitch!" He said throwing the male down on to a cutting board and holding up a large butchers knife "HELP!!" M/n screamed while grabbing the hogs wrist before he could chop the lamb up.

M/n held off the hog for as long as he could hoping that someone would come up his aid but the little people that were around the area just walked off not giving a single shit. "Looks like you'll be someone's main course in your first day of hell" the hog snorted and m/n took that opportunity to quickly kick the hog as hard as he could before jumping on him. "I prefer pork over lamb!" M/n shouted before grabbing the butchers knife and stabbing it in the hog's stomach, the action somehow giving him deja vu, but there was no time to dwell on it as the demon quickly sprinted out the door.

The lamb continued running, the wool on his chest somehow acting as additional weight as he finally stopped in a busier part of town. However it wasn't any less scary, m/n watched as other demonic like half-animal creatures walked around him, even the actual animal such as crows looked horrifying. ' I really in hell?! Why am I even here? this has to be a dream' m/n told himself while sitting down at the bench. The stares however quickly once again got the best of m/n, those added with the cat calls and whistles made by the demon extremely uncomfortable as he got up and walked off. "... I need someone to talk to" m/n mumbled under his breath while looking around a porn studio being seen from afar as the male sighed.

'Well at least they'll have to talk to me if I pay them, now where to find money' m/n thought looking around and quickly spotting a wealthy-looking woman. '...oh I know this is bad...I'll return the money to her' he thought while waiting for an opening. Once m/n saw it he quickly ran past grabbing the women purse "HEY!! Get back here you little freak!" The women shouted in the distance as the demon couldn't help but feel bad "I'M SORRY!" He shouted back quickly taking a wad of cash and placed the purse back down. 'Now for some answers'

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