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"Hey bub, rise and shine," Jungkook was blessed with Taehyung's raspy, honey voice first thing in the morning. The younger stretched and his eyes followed Taehyung as he walked around the room, gathering various things from drawers and cabinets.

"Tae? What's that?" He asked, doe eyes widening in curiousity. In Taehyung's hand were two knives, thin and sharp, with sleek black hilts. They were not the knives Taehyung liked to use, Jungkook knew that much. Taehyung never really needed any knives, for he kept his distance from the enemy and preferred machine guns. Even the knife he carried was small, easily hidden in his boots or belt.

"This-" The mafia boss handed the knives to Jungkook, who was still in bed, "Is for you."

He continued, "It's about time you learn how to defend yourself properly. That plan of yours last night is not approved by me, so don't give me that look. I have things to do today, so I'll see you later. Go see Yoongi after breakfast, you're gonna learn how to fight with your fists first." After leaving a small kiss on Jungkook's forehead, Tae left the room.


"Hey Jungkook," Yoongi said, looking up from the gun he was polishing. "Follow me, we're going to the ring." He put the gun down, and they left the machinery filled with arsenals to a busier part of the headquarters- the Ring.

Jungkook was introduced to the place before. It was situated right beside the gym, and consisted of two boxing rings, as well as some other equipment, and although Jungkook worked out to keep himself in shape, many of these devices were foreign to him.
Yoongi led him to a small room off to the side of the main area. Jimin was sparring with someone, and by the looks of it, was winning.

The morning passed quickly, and as Jungkook was a fast learner, he could now spar pretty well. Of course he was nowhere near as good as anyone else here, but it was a start. Furthermore, Yoongi assured with enough training, Jungkook could one day be even better than Jimin, and Jimin jokingly slapped Yoongi upon hearing his words.


Days pass, and Jungkook never felt more tired. Every single day, he was trained, pushed to his limits. Sometimes, they would give him a break, but on other days, Jungkook was forced to go on, Yoongi saying, "The enemy won't give you the luxury of breaks, now will they?" Jimin glanced apologetically from the sidelines, shrugging his shoulders,

Taehyung was considerably busier, and was rarely there when Jungkook flopped onto the bed, passing out almost instantaneously from exhaustion. It was only two weeks later that they next talked, as Taehyung left early in the morning too.


"We thought that there would be more time, Jungkook, but the team decided you should leave tomorrow night, if possible. There is some event at this gay bar, and we're certain someone from the 23rd Street has organised some sort of drug deal to be carried out then. Pretend to be resting in the alley or something, and, y'know, do your thing," Taehyung told the younger, getting straight to the point. He continued on to the administrative issues, like how to contact them if really needed, and told Jungkook to rest up tonight. Tomorrow, they would be changing Jungkook's look completely.


Sorry for this short chapter, there was just some things that needed to be explained and cleared up before Jungkook finally goes on his risky mission! I'm so excited heisjsjxsksk! anyways, I would make this longer but then the chapter end would be a little awkward oops. ok enough chatter imma go back to writing :)

btw I posted other books too so y'all can check them out I guess.


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