It's A Gift That You Come Back To Me

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I actually wrote this short and impromptu story 3 months ago, but I forgot to publish it.

And it is a very short story, but I wrote it with so much concentration and passion during this time. I am quite satisfied with my work to be honest!

Enjoy moots!!

It’s A Gift That You Come Back To Me
by Amy @joybelongsto6


Sungjae POV:

I still can’t forget her. Her. Park Sooyoung the hot Joy and sexy dynamite. The beautiful memories of June 2015 to April 2016 are still fresh in his mind.He has to admit that she is still the only that he’s looking for. 2018 was the best year of his life as he got to interact with her. Only God knew how his heart still flutter when he met her during Fitz CF and Sugarman recording. His eyes could not lies as his gaze always turns to a lovely one when looking at her.

Joy POV:

Why it is so hard for me to forget him? It has been almost 5 years Park Sooyoung! You can’t be with him no matter what..It is just impossible..But why does my heart could not move on from him? Why does my genuine smile and laugh only came when I saw him? Why does I felt so happy during 2018? Why I can’t see anyone as my lover? Why does my heart still longs and misses him?

Throwback 2018 Sugarman recording.

BTOB Blue are performing on the stage as the last performer. The song starts with Sungjae’s soothing voice while Joy is sitting in front of them as the audience.She tries her best to control her emotion. She knows she shall not cry, she must endure it. But her heart could not take it, therefore her tears fall every time the lyrics of the song are convey by BTOB Blue. Her eyes meet his eyes- she can feel his true emotion every time he sings. As expected Sungjae is right that she will cry every time she sees him perform. But she know, she should stop being delusional. Her and him are just impossible to meet a happy ending.

Back to 2020.

January 2020.

Sungjae POV:
Why does I keep re watching our We Got Married episodes? Does I miss our precious moments and memories together? Why does I always cry every time I watch the last episode- when she cried her eyes out hard? My heart feel so painful every time I sing or hear my group’s song- Remember That? Why does it happen the same thing when I hear Young Love song?

Hyunsik: Ya Maknae! Gwenchana ?

SJ: Oh, hyung I am fine.

He wipes his tears and flipped off his laptop.

Hyunsik: Do you still miss her?

SJ: What are you talking about hyung? I don’t get it.

Hyunsik: Come on Sungjae-ah. I knew it. You were watching your virtual marriage show right?

SJ: Ah, hyung.It just a good memory for me, I just want to reminisce the good old days. That’s it.

Hyunsik: But I know you miss her and you still love her all these years
Sungjae ah. Don’t deny it.

SJ: No hyung, I think you are having misunderstand.

Hyunsik: Come on Yook Sungjae! Don’t make yourself suffer by hiding your true feeling. You should do what your heart wants. It is not wrong for you to pursue your relationship.

SJ: But hyung.. you know it is very impossible and put all of us in disadvantages.

Hyunsik: Don’t worry about such nonsense. You have our support. Just find your true happiness now before it is too late. You are already did so much for our group. It is now your perfect time to do what make you happy.

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