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"I suppose I'll say it all started with a love letter."Jenny Han, Always and Forever, Lara Jean



September 1809

"I do not think we will be fastening these laces for much longer, Grace," remarked Ruby as she struggled to tighten Grace's corset to its usual size.

Grace exhaled as she placed her hands on her hips, knowing that Ruby was right. "It is still early," she replied. "Adam is desperate to sing the news at the top of his lungs. I expect after the wine at dinner this evening he will be running his mouth." Grace smirked as she shook her head.

She was with child, as confirmed several weeks ago by the doctor. Only Ruby and Adam knew. Ruby, who had been Grace's friend and confidante, was the only logical choice for Grace's lady's maid. It had helped her to settle in initially, in what was such a drastic change in situation.

Grace knew Adam was anxious for a son. He would, of course, adore a new daughter, but a son, she knew, would make him so happy. Grace was about three months along, according to the doctor. He estimated that she would give birth in March.

No sooner had the idea crossed her mind, a wave of nausea hit her, and Grace abandoned Ruby for her chamber pot, emptying her stomach into it. "Oh," she complained. "I hate this part."

Grace felt Ruby's comforting hands on her back. "Get through today," she encouraged. "Then you can excuse yourself from everything for the next week and lie abed."

Grace chuckled even though she had a vile taste in her mouth. Ruby was right. Today was an important day for a multitude of reasons. She needed to get past the nausea in order to ensure that everything ran smoothly.

Becoming the Duchess of Ashwood had been a cruel learning curve. After becoming engaged shortly after Peregrine's funeral, Adam had not wanted to wait. Neither had Grace. They were wed on the first of January, privately, with only their families and the vicar in attendance. A small reception, once again, only for family, was given at Ashwood House, and Grace became the duchess. There was no ball as would not be appropriate. There were no public celebrations. The marriage was put into the papers, and Grace had naïvely thought that they might receive notes of congratulations.

Grace had never been the centre of gossip before. And for a time, her name seemed to be the one on everyone's lips. Who was this Grace Denham? How had she managed to secure one of the most eligible bachelors in England? What made things worse was that Lady Ashley seemed to be one of the gossip monger's fuelling the flames in London. Her daughter had been spurned for the help! Grace Denham was nought but a servant!

The opinion of every single society member had already been formed by the time that Grace had been introduced into society that June. And it would have been a complete disaster had it not been for Cecily. Despite their differences, and despite her efforts to separate them in the past, Cecily had well and truly taken Grace under her wing in her first year as the Duchess of Ashwood.

She taught Grace how to speak her mind without speaking it, how to operate within a ballroom, how to let a foe know that she had not won. She helped Grace to walk, talk, dance with confidence, to believe that she belonged in that room when everyone thought otherwise. If they couldn't affect you, couldn't control you, couldn't manipulate you, then their time was better spent elsewhere.

While Grace learned how to ignore the Lady Ashleys of society, she truly did settle in at home. Gossip could not change her nature, and her new position gave her such opportunities to engage with the people who relied upon the Ashwood Estate. These were the people who knew her and could think back to the days when Grace and Adam would run about as children. Grace quickly gained a reputation for being a doting and charitable duchess, and in knowing the people who mattered understood her, she could sleep well at night.

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