In The Act

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Hey there! This book has been getting a lot of unexpected attention and I know I say this every chapter, but thank you. I've been getting more requests and want to thank you for that too. And I want to say I'm sorry for not posting for a whole week. Also, I'm listening to a Corpse Husband livestream while writing this lol. Enjoy darlings!

George sighed and looked at his phone again. Dream had been gone for an hour and he was bored. George heaved himself off his bed and wandered down the hall, stopping at Dream's room.

George giggled and pushed the door open, then walked inside. He sat down on the bed and looked around. Draped over a chair next to the closet was Dream's green hoodie.

He must have left without it. George walked to the hoodie and picked it up. He brought it to his face and inhaled deeply. It smelled like Dream. George blushed and pulled the hoodie on over his head.

He sat back down on the bed and tucked his knees to his chest. Dream probably wouldn't be home for another hour or so, he was out with his friends. George put his hands in his lap and looked down at them.

The start of an erection was forming from thinking of Dream, and George blushed, pulling his knees closer even though no one was home. He had a little more than an hour of being alone. George got an idea and blushed.

This might not be a good idea. His erection was now fully formed from thinking about this. George sighed. He couldn't not do it now, he had to fix this problem. He glanced at the door before slipping his hand into his boxers and stroking himself lightly.

George groaned and moved his hand a little farther into his boxers to take his member out of his boxers. George wrapped his hand around his length and imaged Dream's hand being there.

He blushed before beginning to pump slowly, moaning quietly. Dream was so beautiful without even knowing it, with his dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes.

George had liked his best friend Dream for a while, but had seen no hints or signs that he liked him back. George sighed and thought about his fantasy that Dream loved him as much as he did.

George bit his lip and picked up the pace a little, pulling the green hood over his head with his other hand. He moaned out loudly before covering his mouth.

He removed it when he remembered he was home alone, and moaned again. He wished that Dream was there, and that he loved him as more than a friend.

George closed his eyes and moaned again. He leaned back on the headboard and shifted his hips a little. Dream would never love him like he loved Dream.

George let out another moan and picked up his pace. "Dream~", George said without thinking. He smiled a little at the thought and continued, breathing a little harder.

"Dream~", George moaned again. Just as he said this, Dream walked in the door downstairs. He heard his name and put his bag down. He then curiously walked up the stairs, soft-footing as to not be heard.

He reached the top and listened. Was he hearing...? He walked to his room and peeked through the open door. Sure as he had suspected, there was George, sitting in his bed.

Moaning... his name. Did he really like him that way? He was pretty cute doing what he was doing though. George was wearing his hoodie as well, and Dream wondered where he got that.

He leaned against the door frame and said, "Hey George". George froze and said nothing. Dream chuckled and said, "Whatcha doing?". George turned his head just enough so that he could see Dream.

His face was fully pink in embarrassment. Dream put his hands in his pockets and said, "So how did this happen?". George blushed even more and didn't move. "I-I was snooping around in your room and...", George said before looking away.

"And that led to this hmm?", Dream asked. George nodded and took a shaky breath as if he thought Dream would be mad.

Dream pushed off the door frame and walked to the bed. He lifted George's chin so he could look into his eyes. "Well it wouldn't be very fun to stop now, would it?", He asked George.

He leaned down and kissed George, running his hands through George's hair. George kissed back and put his hands behind him for balance.

Dream broke away after a moment and kissed George once more lightly before sitting down in his computer chair and lacing his fingers.

George peered at him, puzzled. Dream leaned back and said, "Continue". George blushed and sat there for a moment. He then straightened his legs a little more and lifting his hands from behind him.

He placed one hand back on his length and looked at Dream. Dream said nothing and George began to move his hand again. George moaned out before blushing madly and biting his lip.

George picked up the pace and bit his lip harder, occasionally letting little noises slip that Dream loved. In a burst of confidence, George moaned out, "Dream~", loudly. Dream raised his eyebrows in surprise and George glanced at him, turning a dark shade of pink.

George picked up the pace and Dream leaned back contentedly. George's breath hitched and he moaned out a moment before releasing onto his lower stomach, breathing heavily.

Dream stood up and quickly swept out of the room, returning a moment later with a damp washcloth. Sitting on the bed next to George, he wiped away the mess and stood up again to dispose of the dirty cloth.

When he returned, George was sitting on the bed, having caught his breath, and with no evidence of what had happened besides his ruffled hair and pink face. Dream climbed onto the bed and wrapped his arms around George, kissing the side of his neck lightly.

Dream pulled away from the hug and George put his hands on either side of Dream's face, locking him in a passionate kiss. Dream pulled George closer and fell into the kiss.

Finally George pulled away for air, and cuddled into Dream's chest, sighing contentedly. "Your hoodie is cozy", George mumbled into Dream's hoodie. Dream chuckled and reached over George to grab a blanket.

He draped it over the both of them and said, "I love you George". George slipped his hand into Dream's t-shirt to feel his warm skin and said, "I love you too Dream". Dream listened as George's breath evened out, indicating he was asleep.

Dream looked down at him and kissed the top of his head. He pulled George closer and settled back into the pillow. He shifted a little to take his phone out of his pocket. Glancing at it, he saw he had a few messages from Sapnap.

They were sent 30 minutes ago, all asking where he had gone. He quickly replied saying that he hadn't felt well and had gone home. He really had just missed George and wanted to see him again, but Sapnap didn't need to know that.

Dream smiled and put his hand over George's, which was still touching his skin under his shirt. He put his phone down on the nightstand and turned off the lamp before letting sleep pull him down into comfortable darkness, with George cuddling into his side.

HEEEY THERE. I'm so sorry for not posting in so long. Honestly it is my fault lol. I just haven't had a lot of time or motivation, but I know you don't want sappy excuses about my life, so I wont go down that road. So sorry again, and thank you for giving requests despite my absence. Thank you so much, and have a nice day or night darlings.

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