Brothers and Sister

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Having forgotten about the strange interaction with the guy, you made your way to the coffee shop, Ace driving your car much to your distaste.

"Call Sabo and Luffy!" He said, passing you his cellphone. "They wanted to come see you as well!" He was overly excited for it to be so early in the morning. You just wanted to go take a nap at home and dwell in your own inexistent depression. You just wanted to be sad about your failure in life, give yourself some time to cope, but it looked like neither your friends or family were going to give you time to do that.

"Alright, I'll tell them to come." You muttered, already feeling your wallet emptying as you had offered yourself to pay for the pounds of food this pigs were capable of eating. Sensing your discomfort, Ace took your hand in his.

"Don't worry, you'll just have to pay for what I eat." He smiled innocently making you mentally sweat drop at him.


"It's fine freckles." You muttered, finally calling the rest of your cousins to come to your "brothers and sister date".

Your mind drifted back to the blonde, he was probably the new neighbor Nami and Robin had been talking about, and it made your stomach flutter anxiously. He looked very handsome, and you, having been single for a while, were already getting the hots for him.

I'm just a frustrated idiot.

"Hey how about we go out some night?" You needed to go and make out with someone, it had felt like a long time ever since you had gone to a party or a club.

"Yes! We should go to the club this weekend~ it's been long due hasn't it?" He chirped happily. Whenever you went out you'd go with the same people, your girlfriends and your cousin's group of friends. It was fun and you had become a very close group. Maybe you'd invite them over before going to the club, it would be nice.

"Mm, alright. The place looks good so far, so I'll entrust it my stomach!" Said Ace much too seriously for your liking.

"It's just food Ace..." You mumbled, looking at him with a confused gaze.

"What do you mean just food?" He asked surprised. "(Y/N) don't you ever thi-" he was interrupted as a fist collided with his jaw.

Great. More annoying brothers.

As Ace recovered from the punch you heard Luffy's loud laugh fill the cafe. Sabo hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek, him being the only decent cousin you had.

"How ya doing (Y/N)?" He asked happily, leading you to a table and completely ignoring his two stupid bickering brothers.

"Ah, I'm fine."

"Still upset over work?"

"I guess, yeah."

"Mm, maybe you should talk to Pops about this..." He answered thoughtfully, worried about you and your overall sad state.

"He'll just want to pay for everything." You grumbled.

"Oh! I ha-"

"(Y/N)~!" Yelled Luffy, leaving Ace's grip to ho hug you and interrupting Sabo mid speech. He didn't care though, he just rolled his eyes playfully and let Luffy get his way with you.

"Hey monkey." You liked to call him monkey because of two very obvious reasons: his last name, and he was basically a human monkey. He was adorable, you loved him as you would love a little brother. Well, he kind of was your little brother.

"How ya doin?" You chuckled softly and squished him in a hug, thinking how adorable it was that he greeted you exactly the same way his older brother did.

Old Neighbor (Donquixote Rosinante x Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now