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(Y/N), is everything alright?

(Y/N), are you ok?

Please answer me, I'm worried.

I'll come over.

Please tell me you're alright. And open the door.

I'll wait until you open it.

(Y/N) please let me help you with whatever issue you have right now.

I brought some ice cream.

Please open up.

I'm fine. Just need some time alone.

Walls are pretty thin, I'm sure that you need anything but to be alone. Open up.

Rosi I'm serious.

Me too. Open the door please.

A couple of minutes after you were left alone in your apartment, Rosi had texted you. He most likely heard everything that your brothers told you and everything that you had told them, so he texted you in order to help you. Even though your family and friends thought otherwise, you would definitely appreciate some nice company to try and cheer you up.

With a long sigh you lifted yourself out of your bed and made your way to the door, wanting to just melt in Rosinante's arms and disappear from the earth.

"(Y/N)!" He breathed out, taking in your saddened form. Your eyes were glossy and very red from all the crying, lids clearly heavy in your eyes as you were fighting to keep them open. Your cheeks were rosy together with your nose and your form was curled up in a little polar bear blanket. "What happened?" He asked softly, taking you into his arms with a loving bear hug.

"I fought with my brothers." You mumbled, voice breaking as the tears began once again stinging your eyes.

"I heard." He muttered, closing his eyes and breathing in deeply. He picked you up and took you to your couch, letting you curl up to him as you sat on his lap. "What did they say?"

"That I have to get my shit together." You sniffled pressed to his chest. While you told him the issue at hand, he delivered sweet kisses in the top of your head, comforting you and encouraging you to tell him everything.

"Are you unhappy?" He asked straightforwardly. He had seen it when he saw you for the first time. Eyes opaque, any joyous spark that glinted off your orbs in the past had left. Not too much after meeting you and once he spent some time together with you he saw hints of it coming back, accompanied by soft honest smiles on your lips.

"I've never really thought about it I-"

"(Y/N)." He said, but not in a scolding manner. He just wanted you to stop playing games and tell him the truth. You weren't well, and you hadn't been for a long time.

"Yes." You whispered, afraid to face the truth, yet relieved that it was out there. "I am. I still feel guilty. This guilt has crushed me ever since my parents left, and it's coming back even stronger. I feel guilty that my parents were killed. I still think it's my fault. Now I feel guilty that my brothers are mad at me. I feel guilty because I've been selfish and have made them worry for two whole years." Tears kept streaming down your soft rosy cheeks, and you closed your eyes tightly to not have to face Rosinante. You technically had just met, after all. Maybe you had been too open or had rushed too much into this relationship.

"(Y/N), don't blame yourself."

"I can't not-." You stopped yourself, frustrated. Words wouldn't get out of your mouth. You felt lost.

Old Neighbor (Donquixote Rosinante x Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now