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"You look beautiful, (Y/N)." He said, hand still holding onto yours as he stepped away to get a better look at you. You chuckled softly.

"Thank you." You mumbled, cheeks holding a rosy shade.

"Law seemed to like you." He started walking again, guiding you through the parking lot to get to his car. Seems like the place you were going to wasn't walking distance from the building.

"Yeah, he's a very nice kid." You giggled, remembering the adorably grumpy attitude he held towards life.

"It's actually very hard for me to get him to be that nice with people." He gave you a strange look, as if he was trying to hint at something, but you were too much of a hard head, so you didn't really get what he was going at. Besides, to you, the kid was adorable.

"What? No way, he's adorable." You chuckled, shooting him a look of disbelief.

"Maybe to you, but he has even kicked friends of mine whenever I invite people over. Hell, I feel like he respects you more than he ever has respected me." He frowned softly.

"Oh, it's normal I guess. All I did was not be his parent, works with every kid." It really was like that with children, whenever they saw an adult they liked and that wasn't their parent they would obey like an army soldier.

As you reached his car, he opened the door for you and circled through the front to open his door, starting the car as he adjusted the mirrors.

"How did he... Uhm, get to you?" You didn't know how to word your question, but you wanted to know if the kid was blood related or simply adopted from an orphanage. Rosi chuckled at you and your embarrassment.

"I actually adopted him after he lost his entire family. I'm a police detective and failed to save his family." He was gripping the steering wheel very tightly. It seemed like he regretted the incident, and you now regretted having asked. Maybe he wasn't comfortable telling the story, but didn't want to offend you.

"Oh, you don't-"

"It's fine. His house was in flames when I arrived to the scene and he was there in the middle, crying at the loss of his entire family. It broke my heart, it reminded me of myself. So I took him in." He chuckled sourly.

"That's horrible, nobody should have to lose their parents at such a young age." You frowned, later regretting saying this.

Fuck me and my stupid ass mouth.

"I'm sorry Rosi, I didn't-"

"It's fine, (Y/N). I agree with you." He smiled, eyes on the road.

"So, you really work at the police?" You asked in awe, and trying to change the subject. You had always admired the police force, ever since your first interaction with them when Rosi's parents died. They had been very caring and understanding, and they had been the same with many issues you had throughout your life, specially with your parents' accident.

"Yes. After, you know, the incident, I was taken in and later raised by a captain."

You later told him about your admiration to police, making sure to not sound like you were just trying to flirt with him. He laughed and teased you a little bit, but he actually found adorable that whatever admiration you had for police and detectives began the same time he decided to become one. Maybe he stood a chance with you, if you were single that was. He still hadn't collected the guts to ask you.

Arriving at the cafe, you sat down in those round tables that shared one long seat around, that way Rosi could seat closer to you and, if everything went well during the date, subtly swing his arm over your shoulders.

Old Neighbor (Donquixote Rosinante x Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now