Bright Future - End

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Two months had passed ever since the incident with Doflamingo, and your relationship with Rosinante had grown to the point where you were completely committed to each other. You had decided long time ago he was the love of your life and that you weren't going to ever let him go. He thought the same about you.

This two months you had gone through the legal side of claiming the venue and forming your restaurant. You had invested all of the saved up money and were able to create a beautifully elegant dining environment with tables lined up throughout the wide and high ceilinged room. You had even separated a special room to create and indoor garden, in which people could eat at next to a beautiful pond and surrounded by plants. The place was completely closed but you made sure to replace the ceiling with glass, letting in the natural light and giving it the best natural look possible. Since the venue was installed in the center of the city, you couldn't really have an outdoors room so you had the idea to do this, which actually ended up turning a whole lot better than how you had pictured a normal outdoor place. It was perfect.

Rosi had been supportive this whole time. His work in the police had now been significantly reduced as he had been promoted into a position that gave him more office work than actual outside missions. Because of this, he could be with you much more time and helped you a ton in creating the perfect place for your restaurant.

Right now, you had both been working in the planting and landscaping of your indoor "outdoor" space, cleaning up and covering any trail of dirt and humidity. You had also finished the central pond in which you placed three beautiful koi fish, underwater lamps giving it the final touch as the light seeped through the aquatic plants and fish.

You gasped, taking in the scene in front of you in both awe and exhaustion.

"We really are a great team." You giggled, resting your head in Rosi's shoulder for support as your body was about to give up and fall to the floor.

"The place is looking amazing!" He chuckled, brushing his hand through some plants and later wrapping his arms around your waist.

"We still have to finish the kitchen though..." You pouted, whimpering in pain because of how exhausted your arms and legs felt. Given that all the work in this room was mainly at floor level, you had been crouching the whole day and your muscles were exhausted.

"Mm..." Mumbled Rosinante thoughtfully, using all of the strength left inside him to pick you up. "I think it's been enough for today." He said nuzzling into your hair as he walked to the back, where your car was parked. You hooked your legs around his hips and held onto him like a baby, the same way you picked up Law whenever he wanted to cling onto you at home.

Work for today had been done, and you were both tired, so you deserved to head back home to rest. Law was at his grandfather's house today so you wouldn't have to worry about feeding him at all.

"Rosi! We said we'd do part of the kitchen today!" You whined, yet you didn't move a single muscle to stop him from taking you back into the car.

"Right, but today we weren't supposed to work on the pond so there ya have it. It's enough for today." He smiled.

"Ugh! I'm so tired." He chuckled at your childishness, kissing your cheeks as he shook his head. You were acting like a whiny baby, but he loved it.

"Don't worry baby we will be resting soundly once we get home~" he teased, laughing at the frown that had set upon your face once you heard the new name he had for you.

"I'm no baby." You huffed. "I'm a big woman."

"Oh, you're not a woman. You're my girl." He smiled down at you, smirking sexily. He only called you his girl when you were in bed, so this statement made you blush profusely.

Old Neighbor (Donquixote Rosinante x Reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now