Chapter 9

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Misa POV

I slowly opened my eyes. It was all black. I realized I was blindfolded. I tried to move, but I was tied on a chair. I could hear muffled voices of.... Two persons I think?

Where am I? Why am I here? What is happening?

Was I kidnapped? Why?

The last thing I remember was walking down the streets with stella and it suddenly started freezing....wait...  Stella?


I hope she is not here with me....

I need to get out of here.

I tried to moved and suddenly the voices stopped. I stopped moving too, my heart was racing, my forehead was getting sweaty.... In conclusion.... I was scared....

"So you are finally awake, took you long." I heard a man's voice, the voice wasn't clear, as though the person was wearing mask.

I think I know this voice....

I felt something cold sliding against my cheeks and then I felt a stinging pain. My eyes widened when I realized that it was a knife.

"Oops." I heard a girl's voice near my ear.

"Stop it 2514.... We don't have time for your games. " I heard another voice..... That voice.....

Wait... There were 3 people here....

"So, who. Are. You?" The one who just spoke asked.

I was scared, words were stuck in my throat. I didnt know what to say. My eyes started becoming teary.

"Told ya, she is not gonna speak, let's use my method." The girl said and my breath hitched when I felt a knife piercing through the skin of my neck.

"There won't any need of that. Just undo her blindfold and that would be enough to make her talk. " the first one said.

"Tsk..... You guys are so soft." She scoffed and undid the blindfold.

I slowly opened my eyes trying to adjust them after being in dark for so long.

When my eyes were finally wide  open, I noticed that we were in a werehouse? There were two men standing in front of me, they were both wearing plain white masks covering their entire faces. There were some numbers on their masks too.

"So now. TALK." The one with numbers 208 said and pointed a gun beside me.

I turned to look towards where the gun was pointed and my eyes widened.

There, tied on a chair, was an unconscious Stella....

"W-What do you guys w-want?!!" I tried getting free but it was useless.

"Who.Are. You?" 208 asked again.

"I'm K-Kim Misa, a highschool student!!" I was on the verge of tears.

The other who had 1011 on his mask scoffed, "As if we are buying that."

"Dont waste our time girl, be nice and tell us the truth or..... Die.... " the girl behind me whispered.

"I'm going to ask this one last time.... Who are you?" 208 pushed the gun against Stella's forehead.

"P-please stop this... I don't know anything... Please l-let us go..." I begged as tears started flowing down my eyes.

"Tsk... She is so weak.... Pathetic.." The girl scoffed, undid my ropes and pushed me on the ground.

I was crouched down on the ground, shaking, I lowered my head and sobbed, "Please stop this.....please..... I don't want this."

Unidentified Darkness | BTS FF✔ (Book 1 Of Unidentified Darkness duology)Where stories live. Discover now