Chapter Four

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My father ended up waking me from my sleep. I grunted every time he attempted to wake me up. Then he started talking about food. I got up quickly and ran downstairs and started eating before he even got downstairs. When he got downstairs he filled me in on the current situation.

When I walked down stairs I saw the full extent of the damage my father said war brought to the lands it touched. The main barracks had a million arrows through the roof and a flaming ball that had been recently doused through the front door. A temporary barracks had been set up right next to the old one. The archer's tower had been tore down by the passing demons that had got to the other side of the moat.

I looked over at the walls and noticed the damage that i had not seen the night before, half of the wall was covered in soot and ashes. One section was knocked down and obliterated in the demons last attempt to flush us out. They would've been successful if not for the watchful eyes of an archer.

"What can I help you with?" I asked the next soldier that walked by close enough to hear me.

"Well, could you help us down in the mess hall their is a brawl breaking our right now." He said this in a hurried voice. I could tell he was aggravated.

I rushed behind him thinking about what would cause a brawl between two discipline, and very respectable people. When I got there the whole mess hall was in the fight. One side was against the other. The guards pulled out their swords and the fight halted quickly. I walked to the middle of the fight and looked at each side of the fight and shook my head.

"Do you want to have the food or what? I know a lot of people who would love to eat this food. I guess I'll go get my dad right now." I walked away slowly.

"Please don't!" A soldier peeped up out of the crowd.

"OK,I wont if this happens again I will." Those were my final words for the soldiers.

I walked out of the mess hall and literally ran into Grace. My head was down when I tackled her but when I crashed into the ground I heard her laughing. She got up quicker than me hastily she straighten out her armorial and looked at me while I looked down at my dust covered tunic.

I looked up at her and scratched my head trying to buy some time. She looked around slowly right she made a confused face when I shuffled my feet.

"So can you make sure no brawls break out in the mess hall I'll get your rank so they wont question you. For right now say I told you to." I was still scratching my head. She nooded and slowly walked to the mess hall wondering something.

When I got back to the main tower it was almost dark. I went to the armory to check on my sword before I wnet to bed for the last time in that tower.

I woke up with a jolt the dream I had seemed so real. A person was warning me to get out of the kindom now and go to a place that was over a years journey. The place was: Acromeia where the King and Queen lived. I don't know why my dream told me to go there. I went down the endless series of stairs and got to the room my father was studying in.

I knocked on his door as fast as I could. He gestured for me to come in. I walked in dramatically trying to give him the impression I was independent now. He of course didn't get it at all.

"Are you limping or what?" I didn't know if he was making fun of me or conserned.

"I'm ok just stretching my legs. Well what I come here to say is I want to go to Acromeia." He laughed for a good ten minutes before he finally got the impression I wasn't joking. He nooded and put twenty golden pieces on the desk and motioned me to get out in a playful way.

I got out of the study and decided to ask some one to come with me. I walked to the maids house. Looking around the tower was quiet. I didn't know where Grace was in this tower but I would still try. I looked around a little bit before I just went to the main room for the maids and sat just sat. I drifted off a couple of times but managed to stay awake.

Ten minutes after formally going to sleep Grace woke me up. I woke up with a jerk as always and looked at her pointed up stair looked at her and repeated this about five times before she reached out tabernacle my arm and put it down pulled me out of the seat. I told her about the dream withe as much detail as I could before she inputed her ideas on one part of my dream.

"So an angel told you to go ti the mai. kingdom to join the night watchers? Really so you want me to di the same" She looked at me like I was stupid. Then she nooded ran upstairs and came down with her stuff. She had enough stuff to fit in her small storage space but she had to little to slow her down.

I started to walk out of the tower motioning for her to follow. She drifted behind me saying bye ti everyone. Then we got to the gate. No turning back now. I looked back at Grace she moored slowly. I raised my hand and the gates opened slowly.

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