Chapter 12

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One minute she was laughing carelessly with her husband and the next minute her face went pale and breath got stuck in her throat, her hands began to shake, and beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

The mother whom she only saw on the TV was standing in front of her directly looking at her.

She was having breakfast with her husband when the bell of their house rang and Yazan went to open the door. When she heard the voice of his father she instantly stood up and went to the living room and there she faced the biggest shock of her life.

"I think you should leave," Yazan spoke clearly and seriously, his hands were clenched in a fist and his eyes had burning anger in them.

"We are here to talk to Mehmel." Her father spoke up after him in a timid voice.

"There's nothing left to talk." Yazan again spoke in anger.
"She can speak for herself." This time it was her Mother's voice. She was first time hearing the voice of the lady who gave birth to hear.

Mehmel saw her with disbelieve and opened her mouth to speak. "Why are you here now?" She had no idea when the words slipped from her tongue but then those words were on the tip of her tongue.

"We are here for you, Sameena wanted to apologize to you about everything, we are here for a fresh start with." His father was the one to speak. There were so much tension and seriousness in the room that could be cut by a knife.

"Fresh start!" Mehmel scoffed at his father's words.

No one spoke for a minute but Mehmel took her chance and said all the things which were in her heart for so many years.

"Where you when I needed you the most, where were you when I cried and begged to be held by someone, where were you when I started going to school, where were you when everyone thought of me as the biggest burden on them, where were you when I got sick and no one cared for me, and most importantly where were you when I signed my Nikkah papers." While taking, tears gathered in her tears but she didn't let them fall.

"You are talking about a Fresh start after I passed all the hardships in life and finally I'm happy. You didn't realize but you abandoned and left me alone." No one uttered a single word as everyone was staring at her. But Yazan's eyes were shining with pride.

"I don't need a fresh start, I'm sorry but you are late." Finally her tears slipped making Yazan's heart clench.

"You can't expect to change the things in the blink of an eye, by apologizing you can't take all the previous pain from my heart, the misery I suffered you don't have any idea about it; now you come here for a fresh start."

"Apko apka career Mubarak ho jayeya jakay usko swaraain jiskay liya apnay mujko barbad Kia that." With that, she turned around and left the room.

(Congratulations on your career, go make it promising as it was the reason you destroyed me.)

Her parents were ashamed but it's no use in crying over spoilt milk.

Mehmel didn't need them now, though when she wanted them they turned their backs on her.

She already forgave them in her heart but she didn't need them as long as Yazan was with her.

After twenty minutes, Yazan entered the room and sat beside her on the bed. "I'm proud of you." He gently held her hands and softly kissed them.

"Did they left?" She asked in a broken voice.

"Yes! So, tell me what are you gonna do now"

"I need some time, I will meet them but not now, they should know what they did was unfair and should also go through the phase which I went through all my life. We are never going to have a perfect relationship but if they needed me I will be there for them as I'm not like them but for now, I want to relax." She hugged Yazan and kept her head on his chest and he slowly kissed her head.

He was madly in love with his wife who was the strongest woman in his eyes.
He wanted to give her all the respect and love which she deserved.

She faced enough suffering now it was her time to live freely and happily with him.

He would be there to give every ounce of contentment to her.

The next update will be on Sunday.
Do tell me about this chapter in the comments.
Shout out to @virikamaliha for asking me about the updates. Thank you very much for reading my story❤❤
Allah hafiz

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