Chapter 13

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Mehmel was halfway through her grocery when she heard the whining of her husband from behind her. She rolled her eyes because she was habitual of it.

Six months have passed but he didn't change. Whenever she tells him she was going to the grocery, he always insists to join her, and exactly after an hour she hears him whining like a child as he gets tired.

Mehmel became independent; he gave her all the rights which she deserved,
She was a successful dentist now and she was not relying on anyone not even on her husband and Yazan was proud of it.

No matter how frustrated he gets after spending a long day in his firm, he always saves time for her and they both drink their evening tea with each other.

Even after his constant fussing, she still spent an hour doing her grocery.

"I know you do this on purpose to annoy me." He stated as they sat in their car.

"Who? me?" She innocently looked at him like she had no idea what he's talking about.

"Don't give this innocent look when you know you are the culprit." with narrowed eyes he looked at her carefully while driving the car.

"Acha, to baad ma rota kon ha jab cheezain jaldi kahatam hojati hain.
Phir kiu kehtay hain ka Mehmel aur time laga hi laina chaiya tha."

(Oh, then who whines later when things finish early. Why then you tell me that Mehmel we should have spent more time.)

"Choro bhi kya bacho wali batein kar rahi ho." he shook his head when he sensed that he can't win this argument with his wife.

(Let it go, why are you talking childishly.)

At night, she had to use the laptop but hers was gone to get repaired, so, Yazan told her to use his.

After using it, when she was going to give it to him, she saw a folder on his desktop named, "childhood photos" curiosity bubbled inside of her, and without thinking, she opened the folder.

Upon opening, she burst into the fits of laughter.

"Why are laughing like a maniac?" he amusingly asked her and went towards her to see what made his wife laugh that loud.

Glancing at the laptop, his whole face got red with embracement and he quickly snatched his laptop from her.

"Oh my God, Yazan I didn't know you look this cute wearing a saree."

She had tears in her eyes because of the laughing fit.

He stared at her with a poker face and muttered a 'shut up.'

He went towards the bed to lay down, she hurriedly also occupied her place beside him.

"So, tell me when the picture was taken?" he ignored her and started scrolling through his phone.

"Yazan, pleaseeeeee." she gave him puppy eyes which he couldn't deny.
"You are an evil women." shaking his head he sat up.

And she grinned widely.

"It was a fancy dress competition in kindergarten and no girl wanted to wear that thing so the teacher asked mom as in my teacher's point of view I looked like a girl.
My kindest mother gave wholeheartedly her permission end of story."

He narrated everything in a single breath.

Mehmel thought she would burst with so much laughing, she never laughed so much in her life.

After a moment when she controlled herself, she looked at Yazan and he was looking at her with so much adoration and love.

"I'm glad I could make you laugh." he had a smile on his lips which melted Mehmel's heart instantly.

He held her hand and softly kissed her knuckles and and with a low voice he asked her "are you happy Mehmel?"

"Every night you ask me the same question and every night I tell you that how grateful I am to Allah that he gave me you."

It was the highlight of his day listening from his wife's mouth that she's happy with him.

Mehmel was a ray of sunshine that enlighten his whole life.

He loved his wife with all his heart and never hide his feelings from her.

"You know I love you very much." he softly said and kissed her cheek.

With a gentle smile, she replied, "I love you more." And hugged him.

He was her everything and she was all his.

I know I know I'm late and I'm very sorry about it.
My account is seriously having problems and for some days I couldn't even open it but after that, I was unable to publish any chapters.
Why do you do this Wattpad😬
Next will be the epilogue and also a surprise for you.
Tell me about your thoughts.
The next update will be on Friday(this time it will be, promise)
Take care
Stay safe
Allah Hafiz

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